Veiled Hatchling ???


New Member
Hello i have baby veileds hatching and have some questions. When the babys hatch i place them i a deli container with wet bottom until they loose the yolk is this ok? Then i pass them to a small acrylic pet carriers where i mist them and feed them. They were born on tuesday and today still i havent seen them eating. While in the cage they always have their eyes closed , when i take them out and go to to the sunlight they open there eyes, is this normal then when back in the cage they close them should they be in screen cage . Should i use some type of light or better of with sunlight, not direct since here in Puerto Rico is very hot right now. Please help me out on what is the best procees to hatch and raise my babies any special techniques.


Sounds good in theory just put them in a plastic container with moist paper towel for substrate and some fake vines or plants. Keep them in the mid to upper 70s at that age and if you have a basking site don't make it to hot 80 max if its hot where you live I wouldn't even use a heat lamp just uv. Also make it easy to find the fruit flies don't be bashful put a bunch in there with them. You will need a cheese cloth or some kind of light permeable cloth so that the flies cant escape. I would supplement the flies by dusting them calcium and occasionally vitamins they are fast growers and need the supplementation to prevent early calcium and mineral deficiencies.
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