Veiled Chameleon not eating

I just changed the UVB about 2 months ago. I will make sure I make a note to change it in about four months. I did have her a laying bin before she was taken to the vet. I got a call from the vet and they said that she is doing a little better. She has gotten color back in her and between today and yesterday they have given her 4 shots of Carbonate Calcium. The vet said that she was in the beginning stages of MBD. So thank you to everyone who has helped me, especially Johnnyjames572. The vet also said that she may be able to come home today and she will need one more shot of the calcium tomorrow afternoon. When I go to see him this afternoon I'm going to ask some questions about her (is she about to lay eggs, any signs of parasites, and was she dehydrated). If everything goes smoothly I will be getting her a bigger cage, invest in a misting system, fix her diet, get more live plants, and some devices to monitor temp and humidity. I'll let everyone know how it goes. Thanks again for all the help. I can't thank you guys enough!
No worries. Youre heading in the right direction with all those changes. The Vet do x-rays to she if she’s gravid? As for parasites the vet just needs to do a fecal test. I’m glad your girl is doing a little better
So, good news... she got to come home yesterday! The vet said he has done everything he can for her. If he was to keep giving her calcium it would have killed her, which is kind of ironic since the lack of calcium could have killed her too. Although he did not do a fecal exam or an x-ray, he said he did not think she had eggs yet and she did not have parasites (there was no fecal to exam). He also said that she may not be completely out of the clear yet. It all depends on if she will eat. I am going to try to feed her once she wakes up. She started to get some of her color back in her since she came home. I think she is really getting the benefits of the UVB now that she has some calcium in her system.

Does anyone have any recommendations on the cage size and misting system? I am looking at the Zoo Med XL Repti-breeze (24 x 24 x 48) and the Exo Terra monsoon solo. I will have more questions later I'm sure, but any recommendations would be great.
I keep my girls in a 24x24x48 cages and since I have 5 Chams I use a mistking cause I need to run multiple nozzles. I’m not sure about the exo terra monsoon.ive never had one. But im sure someone here will help on that Matter.And I’m glad that your girl is doing better.
Yeah I think the 24 x 24 x 48 would be good for her. Unfortunately she is not doing so well. She will not eat even with an appetite booster. She is not drinking either. I am still spraying her and giving her water through a small syringe but she is not taking it. She sits in the pot in her cage (I put paper towels down so she didn't get dirt in her nose). She does not move except to throw her head back every now and then. I will be taking her to the vet tomorrow and let him take care of her. At this point I think she is just suffering. I am terribly saddened even though the vet said it was a 50/50 shot. I will keep you updated as to what happens from here. Thanks for your response.
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