This is what I woke up to this morning!!


Avid Member
Poor Luca exploded during the night! When I got up this morning - this is what he looked like. Poor fellow! I let him out of his cage to free range awhile and that seem to be making him happier!


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LOL poor little guy! Both of mine looked like that 2 days ago. You can really see his size in the picture of you holding him. Good grief he his huge! =)
he's beautiful and huge!!!!!!!!

poor guy, he looks like he wants help with his flaky situation...

Stanley hasn't shed yet, what does that mean? anything? lisa
poor guy. how old is he because everyone is saying he is huge but he looks fairly small compared to my veiled but he was also about 2 years old
Ohmygosh!!! That's funny, but not!!! I remember when Frogg was younger, his first few sheds he was afraid of his skin!!!:eek: He would turn dark and try to run away from it!!!:p Poor guy. The two babies I have now, could care less! I would feel so bad that he got so upset!!
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