the ONE thing i hate and find so annoying about Chameleons..

  • Thread starter ChameleonsInMyHouse
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how they proceed to want and climb the top of the screen when they have else places to explore. Kiwi HATES her new gorgeous (but smaller) cage. she's been legit pissed at me all day.

even when it was feeding time. she snatched a hand fed superworm lighting speed and just stink eyed me with it hanging it of her mouth and shes been dark since shes been in it. Yeah Merry Christmas to you too you spoiled brat :rolleyes:
LMAO. I KNOW! I just bought two nice bushy umbrella plants for waldo and peaches. Needless to say, they still climb on the screen.
lol they are so ungrateful! i was at home depot today and seen the bushiest bush umbrella plant for 16$ :O its times like these i wish i wasnt so lazy to re-pot, as well as had more room lol
yeah.... i rearranged my panthers cage it took me about 4 hours to make everything look all nice and pretty had real wood in there all stack up nice and neat and huge fake plants for him to explore in.. yeah he found it more interesting to do laps around the screen :/ sad day.
lol! well, its safe to say kiwi has finally found her way mid way down the cage and is using her stumps like a good daughter. haha
lmao this is too funny! Last night Claude got a firm hold of the skin right under my eye...he has taken, of late, to sitting on my head. And he too climbs on his screen as opposed to the awesome branches I have criss-crossed along the sides of the cage so he wouldn't have to use the screen...sigh, the things we go through! lol
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