Start of a new friendship?


New Member
This was probably not such a good idea, but I was wondering what would happen if I started to free range my different species together. It probably wouldn't work out, but I did a quick meet and greet with the juvies.



Can't we all just get along?

I would be careful, you have 2 chams that will be very different sizes, and one that is known for being agressive. I would worry that a fight could cause some real damage - or it might work great, who knows.:confused::confused:
I would be very careful as Laurie advised but you really never know. In the past we always thought they were solitude animals but now I see more and more chameleons together and even different species but it's always in a free range type situation.
Its a plan for the distant future, for when they are closer to adulthood. This was just a photo op I wanted to take while they are still small and not aggressive
My veiled female and Jax male don't get along. He is interested in sex and she is definitely not, so he bobs at her and she just turns black and gapes as wide as she can until I remove one of them. All of mine free range in separate areas, but every once in a while one will leave his or her territory to explore, and this is a pairing that hasn't worked for me. But no two chams are the same, so who knows. Always on the side of caution :)
My veiled female and Jax male don't get along. He is interested in sex and she is definitely not, so he bobs at her and she just turns black and gapes as wide as she can until I remove one of them. All of mine free range in separate areas, but every once in a while one will leave his or her territory to explore, and this is a pairing that hasn't worked for me. But no two chams are the same, so who knows. Always on the side of caution :)

That's very interesting. So they basically stick to their trees but have the option of going to another's territory? I wish I had space for that kind of free range setup. In due time I guess!
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