Shower Water Temp.


Established Member
So it's very dry here in Kansas in the winter, so Merlin gets more showers and right now he's shedding so we will be doing it a lot. My question is what is the correct temp for the water. I've searched and saw some pretty old threads on this and so I didn't know if there has been any change in the general school of thought that "lukewarm water should be bounded off the side of the shower wall" so the cham catches the spray from that and not water directly. My concern is more about the temperature, I saw someone say their cham prefers 82 degree water. I just wanted to check, since warm to me would be hot to him, I'm just worried about being too hot or too cold since I'm a big wimp if the water is too hot, I'm sure it would be worse if I were cold blooded!
Thanks for the input!
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