Safe to put hornworms in cham cage?


New Member
My hornworms have eaten all the food in their cups and I was wondering if it was ok to put them inside my Chams cage?
Yeah it's safe as they aren't too big for your chameleon. The last thing you want is your chameleon tugging on a hornworm with a deathgrip on a plant which ends up hurting your chameleons tongue. If the size is right then feel free to throw em in there
You can keep your hornworms in a tupperware container (or similar) with a screen top and throw in some carrots for them to eat. Also, if you are going to be feeding hornworms you can buy the dry chow and just cook up some when you need a little extra - it lasts a while in the fridge.
I got mine to nomnom on some oak leaves and some mulberry leaves, but not much. If you dont separate them, they will nomnom on each other...
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