Reputable Feeder Companies?


New Member
I'm looking for new options and would like to here what some of your favorite feeders are and where you get them. I'd also like to here how store them, how many you typically get at a time and how you like to gut load the specific feeder. I cannot breed feeders at the time being so it would help if I could here from others who order a set number at a time. Im open to here from breeders too if they would like to share for others looking for similar advice.
I order from different places depending on what I need.

I use Rainbow Mealworms for Silkworms, Hornworms, Supers and I love their Roach Chow that I use for all my feeders.

I buy any Dubias I need from ABDragons. They are sponsors of this site so that is a plus.

I also use Linda's gone Buggie for Crickets, Wax Worms, Phoenix Worms, Silkies, Hornworms and Supers.

It depends on the size of your reptiles, and how much they eat. I like Linda's because she has small quantities of feeders which is hard to find. I order enough for a month and buy appropriate sizes to account for growth.
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