Reliable food source for the UK?


New Member
Hey guys.

Im looking to find a good reliable source for my food in the UK as well as wondering if there is anywhere that sells silkworms here or that ships here without having to spend at least $50-$100.

Am just trying to get all my references sorted before i buy my cham so it would be really helpful if you could give me any advice?


Emma x
Hi Emma, I think I have used every livefood supplier here in the UK over the years!! I can give you the good, bad and the ugly by PM if you'd like.As for silkworms, there seems to be only 2 outlets for them here, ones pretty bad at delivering and the others worse.For some bizzare reason Curly Winged flies are impossible to get here right now and I have Baby Carpet babies who really need them, lots of sites say they have them but they havent as the main supplier- German- I think, seems to have ran out. Get in touch and I can tell you where to get food, supplies etc.
Love Tawny.
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