Praying Mantis Babies

Citizen Snips

New Member
I found 100-400 babies that hatch in ten days on Amazon and was thinking they would be a very interesting feeder for a 3 month old Panther. I wouldn't leave him alone with one of these buggers, but it would be interesting to watch. Only ten bucks for some fun, plus I could save a couple for breeding and just feed them fruit flys and crickets. Then, gutload them the night before I use them as feeders. Anyone have experience with these things? Discuss.
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I bought an egg case... took me a couple weeks for mine to come out... they came out yesterday... I moved them too another bin I keep my baby pinhead crickets so theyed have food..... but I look today for tehm... and there nowheres to be found 0.0 I think they might have escaped.... or all devoured each other... but I dont see any limbs are body parts anywheres.,... Make sure u keep them in a correctly sealed container. XD
I bought a couple of Chinese mantis ootheca from a forum member earlier this year. I had (have) a small litter of Jacksons babies at the time and they annihalated them. They seemed to really enjoy them. As far as gutloading mantids, I really don't know how that would be possible, as they don't really feed on much other than friut flies or crickets. I guess you could catch some wild insects for them.
I have more of an issue with these than I do roaches and thats pretty bad in itself. These just freak me out because when I was a child I spotted one on a fence and I went up to it and it turned its head and looked at me and that was enough for me and I ran so fast LOL! I then when I grew up never forgot this mantis and looked them up on line and saw when they finish matting they eat the head off of their mate? YULK!
lol yeah they are attracted to movement and can turn their head like 180 degrees CRAZY!

But yeah you can feed them flightless fruit flies when they are small then crickets. I kept mine in a huge ruber maid container but had to tape the lid down! Their pretty cool though gave some to my friends and they liked them.
I bought a couple of Chinese mantis ootheca from a forum member earlier this year. I had (have) a small litter of Jacksons babies at the time and they annihalated them. They seemed to really enjoy them. As far as gutloading mantids, I really don't know how that would be possible, as they don't really feed on much other than friut flies or crickets. I guess you could catch some wild insects for them.

I figure if the crickets are gutloaded and the mantis eats them it would be gutloaded? I'm going to place an order today seeing as you guys have had luck with them. :D
I have more of an issue with these than I do roaches and thats pretty bad in itself. These just freak me out because when I was a child I spotted one on a fence and I went up to it and it turned its head and looked at me and that was enough for me and I ran so fast LOL! I then when I grew up never forgot this mantis and looked them up on line and saw when they finish matting they eat the head off of their mate? YULK!

I must agree with you- They have always freaked me out, mainly just the big adult Carolina mantids we have here where I live. The way they turn their head is pretty, uh,...cunning. They are very 'Alien' like to me. Little ones don't bother me at all. I'm getting used to the adults, but they will bite the hell out of you!
I bought an egg case... took me a couple weeks for mine to come out... they came out yesterday... I moved them too another bin I keep my baby pinhead crickets so theyed have food..... but I look today for tehm... and there nowheres to be found 0.0 I think they might have escaped.... or all devoured each other... but I dont see any limbs are body parts anywheres.,... Make sure u keep them in a correctly sealed container. XD

A very big 0.o! That's plain creepy. I think they are really interesting and might keep one for a pet.
I have more of an issue with these than I do roaches and thats pretty bad in itself. These just freak me out because when I was a child I spotted one on a fence and I went up to it and it turned its head and looked at me and that was enough for me and I ran so fast LOL! I then when I grew up never forgot this mantis and looked them up on line and saw when they finish matting they eat the head off of their mate? YULK!

Don't you find it sad that all we women are the same, well all but me.:D:D

I found 100-400 babies that hatch in ten days on Amazon and was thinking they would be a very interesting feeder for a 3 month old Panther. I wouldn't leave him alone with one of these buggers, but it would be interesting to watch. Only ten bucks for some fun, plus I could save a couple for breeding and just feed them fruit flys and crickets. Then, gutload them the night before I use them as feeders. Anyone have experience with these things? Discuss.

I have just started trying to grow them. I have had ooths several times but I always just hatched and fed them. This time I fed off a few hundred and have about 15 I am trying to grow. So far so good. they are about 3 weeks. If you need full growing instructions just shoot me a pm.
I want to get some eggs, because I'm having fun getting more variety. I'll look them up on amazon.
Oh noes my link was removed :rolleyes: . Yeah, 15 bucks for awesome feeders. I saw a youtube vid of baby panthers devouring them and I was inspired.
Oh noes my link was removed :rolleyes: . Yeah, 15 bucks for awesome feeders. I saw a youtube vid of baby panthers devouring them and I was inspired.
Between this forum and youtube (and feeding bloody insects) I've spent so much time thinking about lizards since I got these chameleons that I barely have time to do anything else!
Between this forum and youtube (and feeding bloody insects) I've spent so much time thinking about lizards since I got these chameleons that I barely have time to do anything else!

True! I spent all week setting up my terrarium. I vacuumed, shampooed the carpet, cleaned the walls, closed some air vents, started a cricket colony, and it's been quite time consuming. It's a great hobby and I'm excited for my Panther to show up sometime next week. It's either going to be a BB Ambilobe or a Cross.
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