Panther Chamleon Help

@Alexbrock: Cool pics of your little panther!! I got mine last sunday. He looks exactly like your little one. Your baby doesn't look that scared or shy ;-(, my baby runs away from me.
went into the the shop today and while i couldnt get any pictures (didnt like to ask haha) i did have a look at the "bulge" on the one i wanted its very prominant so pretty sure its a male and on the other its alot smaller also the tail is wider and bigger on the male then the female whos is quite abit thinner

so hopefully it is a male, should be getting it just before christmas
heres a few pics, let me know what you think


Are you from the Uk?

If so for 350, you could get yourself a guaranteed male. of many locales plus starter cage with all lighting etc, that looks like a female in that picture Imo,
Definitely a female. The males will have a noticable hempinal bulge at the tail base near the vent, whereas the females tail base will have no bulge. On that picture, the coloration gives it away. Juvinile males never look that pink.

The pictures are a good example of how subtle the difference can be to tell them apart. First pic is a female at 3 months, 2nd is a male the same age.
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I recently purchased a male, and I think males are more often stone gray when they are younger, and develop their colors as they mature. Males are usually not that sort of pinkish color as stated above. Good luck on picking out your new addition! Chameleons are the best pet out there! =D
Are you sure, there us deffinately. Bulge there and the colour is a beige/ stone but is in front of a bright pink light from the snakes
Yeh, Lincolnshire

Do you know what locale of panther that is meant to be?

That picture is a female Imo the bulge you are looking for is the thicker tail base,like here.


There are quite a few panther breeders here in the Uk, If i was you i would source mine from them instead, and you can choose what locale you would like too, depending if they had them available + you are going to get a Male if thats what you want,
May seem like a silly question but....

Obviously you are new to Chams and from what you have said about the folks at the "Petstore" they do not know much about the either... so I was wondering what type of set up and care will you be providing? Many times "Petsotes" are not aware of how to properly care for a Chameleon even though they sell them & all to often people buy what the store says and realize they bought allot of useless stuff rather than what is needed to proiperly care for a Cham you wish to keep healthy.... So please let us know what you have so that we may be able to assist you in getting off to the right start. :eek: Also next IMO if I were the potential customer you.... I would be concerned that they are selling something they are not knowledgable of... has the Cham had proper diet, proper light, and supplementation while in thier care because if not you could have issues that show up later on as a result.
As someone else suggested if I were going to "drop" that much money I would buy from a reputable breeder and purchase thier set up kit as well so you are assured #1 you have the proper things to keep your Cham healthy and #2 that your Cham is healthy & quality from the start.... I know a few of the sponsors on this site ship likely even to your location. Just some food for thought... best wished & good luck to you! :eek:
The shop had a pair and as people were saying the stone grey with hemi bulge would most likely be male that's the one we bought, the setup is good although needs a screen cage really, has the uva / uvb bulbs and plenty to climb on with a water dripper and vitamin supplements
Based on the pictures you posted I would have to say female. How big is she and how old were you told she was? Looks to be almost adult size. Females are roughly half the size of most males at a year old. There are exceptions to this but by and large this is true.
We were told 4/5 months, body length is about 3.5/4 inch, they said. We could swap with the other which is much prettier
Post a picture of the one you bought. You will need to know an approx. Age for her if it's a girl so you can get a laying bin in. The girl in the pictures you posted looks at least 8 months old to me, and likely needs a laying bin and different husbandry to attempt to keep her from laying eggs (which you should do if yours is female.)
The one in my pucture. Is the one we bought, I don't quite understand what you mean about eggs and bins
Females lay eggs without ever being mated or even seeing a male. Because of this you need to set up a laying bin for her in case she needs to lay eggs (search laying bin). To attempt to keep her from laying eggs or at least lay small clutches, her husbandry will be different from a male's. Every clutch shortens her life. Females need to be kept cooler (ambient 70-75 degrees F, basking spot 80-82 degrees F) And provided less food. Read up on it.
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