Panther Chamleon Help


New Member
never had one of these before but am getting one soon, in the shop there is 2 to choose from, one is quite pink/ red and the other is a stoney grey/light brown

i wanted a male and the shop owner doesnt have a clue as we're both snake people which are relatively easy to sex

the one my girlfriend wanted is the brighter orangey pinky red one and the one i want is slightly bigger stoney grey/brown, at first we thought the reder one was male because of the obvious colour difference but then when you look at them together the reder one has a narrower head and just looks more feminine the the other one whih head is alot bigger and more edged

so after some research the shop owner said he thought the stoney colour one with the bigger head was male beause it was bigger and someone one here said males are stoney and female have alot more pink in them

he thinks theyre 4/5 months old whih i know is young but what should i b looking out for when i go in, iv already changed my mind on the one i want twice and dont really want to again

also would it get more colour as it gets older iv seen some really fancy ones on here with really bright colours and not many stoney brown ones

if there are any pictures comparing a female to a male that would be really helpful

thanks for any help people are willing to give

if they are 4/5 months you can tell.

here is my 3 month old male.


here is a 4 month old female i had a year ago


Sounds like they might be younger than 4/5 months
Under "search" look up "Sex my panther" "Sexing my panther" etc and you should come up with some threads with pictures. The males usually have a slight bulge where their vent is. It is true the females will have a more peachy color to them but you cannot always tell from their coloring when they are young. Edit: Just look up the word ""Sexing" and you can see some pics.
hes nice, im guessing its not going to be getting any coulour to the one i want then

ill have a search and thanks for the qick replies
hes nice, im guessing its not going to be getting any coulour to the one i want then

ill have a search and thanks for the qick replies

like a member said before. the bulge pic would help. not all are as colorful at certain ages, some get color all of a sudden some times.
hes nice, im guessing its not going to be getting any coulour to the one i want then

ill have a search and thanks for the qick replies

can u post pics off them here....maybe we can help on how they look, the gender, health , and age , etc...
ill go in later today and see if he'll let me take some pics of them, he should do seeing as we're paying a fair amount for one
yeh i will, if not i guess its pot luck but id much rather have a male, the one im hoping it is i picked beause i was hanging upside down from its tail to catch crickets haha made me chukle
yeh i will, if not i guess its pot luck but id much rather have a male, the one im hoping it is i picked beause i was hanging upside down from its tail to catch crickets haha made me chukle

Ones with personalities are cute. More experienced members could give you their best opinion if you could get pics. One of my first chameleons was a female, I thought it was a male, but still turned out to be a beautiful female.
well as i say its my first one as im more a snake guy and 350 pound seems reasonably priced but i wouldnt mind a handsome male with colour as they grow bigger hehe
but if not theres always next year to get another
well as i say its my first one as im more a snake guy and 350 pound seems reasonably priced but i wouldnt mind a handsome male with colour as they grow bigger hehe
but if not theres always next year to get another

350 BPS? Holy cow that is a lot of money!!!
its for a full setup but im not sure the price they would be on their own to know if its good deal or not
its for a full setup but im not sure the price they would be on their own to know if its good deal or not

Hmmm here in the US might be different. I personally do not know the chameleon situation in the UK.

Most of the sponsors of this forum have complete set ups, which are priced, you can use those to compare, but I don't know if its a fair comparison.
just a quick question before i go to bed, do alot of panthers stay stoney earthy colours? like is there a chance neither of these will get any bright greens or anything?

this is similar to the one i like

just a quick question before i go to bed, do alot of panthers stay stoney earthy colours? like is there a chance neither of these will get any bright greens or anything?

If it is a male, they will get colors. around a year old they get, almost, their full colors. Some even take two years and change continuously. The females will stay a peachy color, some even get purples and blue hints. if they are grey, it is because they are babies, stressed, or i don't even know. Make sure you know how old they are, or if they are even panther chameleons. There are so many different species of chameleons. Buying from a reputable breeder, who keeps track of bloodlines is always best, you can kind of tell what they will look like. This way, you have no idea what locale or type of coloration they will even be. Can be anything from pink to yellow.
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