Ok-Baby Veileds!


New Member
Baby Veileds are now 3.75 months old!

This is my keeper male AJ-so far he is every bit as curious and happy to come out of his cage as his Dad!


This is his brother-just a pic to show how entirely different they all look from each other!

Surrounded! :eek:
Beautiful fellas! BTW, Arnie is outside basking in his new reptarium. Thanks for the combined effort for a good product. I was able to shower him with 1/2 gal water from my mister and now he is enjoying the sunshine. I really like these! I will be putting out a different cham every day unless the weather is bad. I think it will help his shedding.
I have been using several Reptariums for years and the ones we just got were easier to get the mesh on and the mesh feels of a little better quality. I love them for baby cages and you can't beat the price! Cross my fingers I still have had no zipper issues and the mesh is easy to repair with fishing line! Glad you like yours!
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