Newly Acquired Quad, closing eyes?


New Member
I just acquired a WC quad from the White Plains Expo, I gave him a nice shower when we got home, spray him three times a day and have a humidifier going. The problem is I just can't seem to get the humidity up to 70%, sure it will hit 70-80 after misting but even with the humidifier going 24/7 the RH is only around 50%, I am hoping this won't hurt the little guy too much. Another thing I notice is that he would close his eyes from time to time and I have taken a pic of him to see what you guys think. I m also currently trying to schedule a vet visit for him.
Thanks Guys

More foliage in the cage might help with the humidity. You could also try putting some plastic on the outside of two sides of the cage. If he's WC a vet visit is a good idea.
The bigger concern is the closing of the eyes which is an indicator of something wrong. A vet check is in order. Unfortunately at these shows,most are wild caught specimens that are loaded with parasites. Keep him hydrated and get him to a vet. Good luck!
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