My Stanley is 5 today.....


Avid Member
My main green guy is 5 years old today!! He has been such a pleasure to raise and I have so enjoyed watching him grow up!!
I really hoped that the weather would be nice for some pics... But 40* with flurries doesn't agree with either of us!!!!
I love him to pieces he is such a sweetheart!!
Here he is right out of the shipping box 5 years ago..





nice cham, his colors are very cool! it was 40's with flurries here too! i'm from Massachusetts, are you from the area? heres mine, he's about a year old. he has no name.

Yay Lisa way to go! It is tough getting these guys up into their senior years with all the stuff that goes can go wrong with them. He looks awesome and I so see Luie in his face! I hope you have many more happy years together with him!
Happy Hatch Day Stanley! You handsome little man. I wish I was there to give him a hatch day kiss.
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nice cham, his colors are very cool! it was 40's with flurries here too! i'm from Massachusetts, are you from the area? heres mine, he's about a year old. he has no name.


Thank you! You're guy is very nice also, he needs a name though! ;-)
No I'm not from your area, I live in Mississippi. We're just having freak snow flurries today.. ❄️
Yay Lisa way to go! It is tough getting these guys up into their senior years with all the stuff that goes can go wrong with them. He looks awesome and I so see Luie in his face! I hope you have many more happy years together with him!

Thank you soooo much Carol!
Stanley has been a pleasure to "have" and I'm thrilled that he really has done so well with me! Being my first, I relied a lot on the forum and help from all of you "seasoned" keepers!!
Jann says he looks a lot like his Daddy Luie also, I'm glad of that!!!
Happy Hatch Day Stanley! You handsome little man. I wish I was there to give him a hatch day kiss.

Thank you Jann,,,, for Stanley!!! It has been an amazing experience raising him from that little green goblin all legs and head!! He has turned out so handsome just like his Daddy Luie!!!!
And don't worrie, Stanley got plenty of Hatchday kisses, I told him one was from you!!!
Stanley is awesome- he and Luie are the reason I got a veiled! I hope you have many more years together.

Thank you Jennifer for the compliments and Hday wishes for Stanley! He's been an awesome little green guy! I hope you enjoy yours as much!!!
O.K., so he got H-Day kisses from Jann, but make sure he gets some H-Day treats from me! :D Happy 5th H-Day Stanley! Don't worry, warm weather is on its way. ;)
O.K., so he got H-Day kisses from Jann, but make sure he gets some H-Day treats from me! :D Happy 5th H-Day Stanley! Don't worry, warm weather is on its way. ;)

Thank you so much Michael! I'll give him a big juicy worm today and tell him it's from you and Zaphod!
It's going to be sunny and 70* today so as soon as I get home they're all going out!
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