My Jackson Chameleon both eyes closed

oh..I'm so sorry. It does seem that he's passed. I know that you did all you could.

If you really want to preserve him, I think you need to start that thread. In my house, we have a "pet cemetery" where we bury pets and put stones over their graves. That's something you might consider.

I know that others have bought trees or plants and dug a hole, buried their chameleon at the bottom of the hole and planted the tree/plant on top so the tree/plant could stand as a tribute to the chameleon.

You might want to consider those options.
oh..I'm so sorry. It does seem that he's passed. I know that you did all you could.

If you really want to preserve him, I think you need to start that thread. In my house, we have a "pet cemetery" where we bury pets and put stones over their graves. That's something you might consider.

I know that others have bought trees or plants and dug a hole, buried their chameleon at the bottom of the hole and planted the tree/plant on top so the tree/plant could stand as a tribute to the chameleon.

You might want to consider those options.

Eliza, that's what i have in mind. We have a calamansi tree here (calamansi is similar to lemon) i will burry him tomorrow. I just want to keep him for tonight. Eliza i am so DEVASTATED with that kind of illness i miss Mike-L so much and it just make me cry seeing an empty terrarium, i went to flchams right away and i bought another xantholophus MALE. I just cant leave without my Jackson Chameleon. This time.. I WILL TRY NOT TO FAIL.
Now that Mike-L my Jackson Chameleon is burried there will be no farewell nor goodbye with my lovely Mike! He is always in my heart. I couldn't bear seeing his enclosure empty i finally got my other Jackson from FLCHAMS he is very healthy about 5 months old and he is shedding. I call him 3D (short for tree dweller) he loves Mike-L's enclosure and we spend time now handling him for 15mins. I also have my Krayola and Sharpie my 2 Panther Chameleon that are still young. With regards to SHEDDING can you guys give me some suggestions if do we help them removing it or they can remove it by themselves? any thoughts? Thanks again guys!
Guys, my Jackson Chameleon from FLCHAMS is doing great! I ordered an enclosure with hibiscus plant and i placed my chameleon outside everyday for a real sun with little dripper just in case it is too hot. I'm happy with my chameleon although i miss Mike-L a lot and most of the times i called this chameleon as Mike-L. Anyway the only problem that i am having is he is kinda aggressive, when i try to pick him up i sometimes heard him hiss and open its mouth. Does chameleon bite at all? do they have sharp teeth? do you know how hard can they bite? i handle my chameleon everyday just to let you know. When i mist him thats the time he behaves and i can handle him no issue. He is around 5 to 6months old. Thanks!
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