My Jackson Chameleon both eyes closed

I have had similar problems with one of my Jacksons.Have you tried syringe watering him?Gently open the mouth and squirt some water in ,and within a couple of minutes he should start drinking.

I was advised by a vet earlier today and am also administering antibiotics and rehydration salts orally.At the moment it seems to be working.No matter how much I sprayed her before she would not drink.Just be gentle and it should work.

Good luck.

I wouldn't recommend that, it's hard to syringe water them without complications, if you do it too fast they can take it in wrong, and possibly get a resp. infection.
@ Colin and Karma thank you for the advise. I bought a Monsoon RS400 awhile ago and i got a good deal. Anyway i will try everything, right now im gonna take him and he'll take a good 1hr shower as suggested by our fellow caremeleons.

-- are those people who cares about chameleons.
What you can do with a needless syringe is drip water right on that little nose of his! That's almost a guaranteed drinking experience. They just have to lick their lips. It's a bit time consuming, but it's also very rewarding.
Yes Eliza i will try to do this tomorrow. Is it possible to mix water with powdered calcium? i really dont know if he is eating or not. I will take a pic of Mike-L so you have a better idea on what he looks like as well as his habitat. Thanks!
What you can do with a needless syringe is drip water right on that little nose of his! That's almost a guaranteed drinking experience. They just have to lick their lips. It's a bit time consuming, but it's also very rewarding.

Thats right,just gently does it.You dont have to stick the syringe down the throat, gently on the lips.
I am not sure if it is true, but my friend who raises chameleons told me that if the top of the chameleon's head or their cheeks looks dented in then that means it is dehydrated. If the chameleon is dehydrated it may cause the eyes to look funny. If their stomach looks flat; if it looks malnourished; the part of its stomach by its hind legs is sucked in then the chameleon needs food.

I hope that this helps and that your chameleon recovers soon.
Update: This morning i put Mike-L outside to get the fresh morning sun (our normal routine) I mist him for 10mins and he drank. Last night i couldn't take it anymore i was thinking he hasn't been eating for weeks now since his eyes are always shut and i could not open his mouth to hand feed him with a live cricket dusted with multivitamins. What i did is to forget about the cricket and soak a bit my finger tips to a drop of mineral water then dip a bit on the multivitamins and kinda spread it on Mike-L upper and lower lip which he kinda swallow and im sure he tasted it. I kinda massage his throat and it open really fast and i know he got the vitamin inside of him. Later after work i am going to re do what i did last night and this time i will give him vitamin A (gel liquid) just a drop or not even a drop and im gonna smudge it again to his lips. I wanted to see his beautiful eyes again looking at all directions. LOVEYOU MIKE-L!!!!!
Update on Mike-L my Jackson Chameleon: Last night i got frustrated, his eyes are still closed and im so darn worried he is not eating for weeks now so i decided to make another step. I was trying to handfeed him with a cricket dusted with multivitamins and nothing happen so i said forget about the cricket, i got a cup with mineral water a few multivitamin powder and i soak just a bit my finger in the water then a bit of multivitamin then gently do a small massage type to Mike-L's upper and lower lip which he did kinda tasted it because i saw his jaw moving.

This morning i put him outside where the sun is fresh (our usual routine) mist him with mineral water and after few minutes he began to drink (YESSSSS) i always leave him out in the sun (with some shades of course) and i always give him little dripper with 1/2 pedialyte just in case he gets thirsty again. Tonight im going to do the same thing like yesterday but instead i will give him Vitamin A, 1/2 drop and kinda smudge it again in his upper and lower lip. There's a progress on what i did and i see progress in it. LOVEYOU MIKE-L!!!!! i miss your beautiful eyes.
Update: ok so tonight when i came home from work i saw Mike-L still kinda closes his eyes and i saw him cleaning his left eye but the other eye is kinda still sunken. I am truly puzzled here on what is going on with him. I really wish he can just tell me what is bothering him (i hope its not me). I tried to force him to eat a cricket dusted with calcium only but i cannot really fry that nouth up, so what i did yesterday night is what i did today. I just put a drop of water and dip my finger to a bit of calcium and spread it to Mike-L's upper and lower lip, by massaging his throat gently he kinda open his mouth and there the calcium goes. I even put him on a dripper with 1/2 mineral water 1/2 pedialyte and again he kinda open his mouth due to throat massaging that i am doing.

Im just so glad that he is still with me and his never giving up and so am i. I cant wait to see him recover so that i can share my part. I already did everything what you've guys suggested. If next week still the same then i guess its time for another VET Visit. Thats all folks for now and have a Chameleonastic Weekend!!!
A very bad news today. I regret this day and i wish i can turn back the time. Mike-L my Jackson chameleon permanently closes his eyes. After i followed what they said when i was at circle pet to give him a deworm thinking that parasite may have caused this. 30mins ago i administer using a syringe without the needle a little bit of dosage and some crushed crickets with 1 calciworm. I made it to open his mouth stick the syringe in his left side lip and gently pushed. I followed it then with a few drops of mineral water and then he keep on opening its mouth and i saw his tail shake a bit ( at this point i started to cry) it took just a few minutes and as i am typing this he is now laying flat on my hand still holding him. IF I ONLY KNEW!!! I SHOULD HAVE NOT ADMINISTER IT! but i want him to be ok. I tried everything Mike-L, i tried!!!

Friends of chameleon forums, do you know if i can preserve him? i need your advise for the last time. Thank you so much and thank you for everything!

I'm so sorry Rock...I do want to make sure that Mike is truly dead's not uncommon for deworming to wreak havoc on an animal and with a chameleon that's doing poorly, that might look like death but not really be.

So, I hope you didn't do anything rash. I think you should give Mike a couple of hours alone. (you not even in the room, if that's possible) If he doesn't move, then yeah....
Eliza i am still crying till now. His tummy is kinda tucked in and no movement at all but i still placed him back in his mesh cage and wait. I called a friend of mine here in socal and he is a breeder, he told me that stress could have done it. Mike-L is weak and i administer a medication which he stressed out and that killed him. Please Eliza how can i preserve my chameleon? any thoughts?
I don't have an answer to that. I wish I did.

However, I really think you need to give him a couple of hours alone. Turn his lights off if they aren't off already and walk away.

I think people here have preserved their chameleons. You might want to start a new thread on that in General Discussion.
Ok Eliza. He turned black and i saw one cricket under him and starting chewing on him (i killed that cricket instantly) Eliza, he is not moving not breathing and he is kinda stiff now. I also tried doing some ambo back using the air from the syringe but nothing.... nothing more i could do. All my efforts at least Mike knows ive tried everything i could. Thank you so much for all the support Eliza. Bye Mike-L YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART!!!!! LOVEYOU BUD!
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