My female Veiled


New Member
I know you'll all have seen these a milliuon times but this one is MY little darling lol This is Phylis my female Veiled. If anyone could comment on potential age that would be very useful. Based on what I've read about growth rates I'd put her at three months or so. What do you think? My male is a similar size but is chunkier. She's finally free of all bits of clingy skin after her shed. That was a good week though! Considering chameleons have little mitten hands I'm surprised she didn't just scratch it all off! It can't actually bother them tremendously or I'd think they would. Anyway, here she is :) I'm settling into the husbandry a bit now which is good. I'll do a video showing my enclosures soon. I'd very much like some opinions on that.....

Welcome to the forums! Phylis is adorable. I love veileds. I just lost my gorgeous female earlier this month and I still have a big hole left in my heart.

I would guess Phylis to be 3 to 4 months old. Enjoy her every moment that you can. They grow up so very fast.

I have a blog for new keepers attached below with a section and a special link for females. I'm also attaching my egg laying/layin bin blog. At 5 months old she will need a laying bin provided for egg laying. They can and often do lay eggs as early as 5 or 6 months old. It's not recommended to breed until over a year. Do you have her housed seperately from your male? It's best to keep them where they can't even see eachother.
I do have her seperate and out of view yes :) I'll be doing a short video of my enclosures soon. Thanks for the links :D Just off for a read now...... :cool:
She's lovely :) I reckon about 3 months too, she looks healthy. How long have you had her?
welcome! she is a cutie :) I can not help you with the age but the people before me are very good at raising chams so what ever they said I agree!:D:)
Welcome to the forums! Phylis is adorable. I love veileds. I just lost my gorgeous female earlier this month and I still have a big hole left in my heart.

I would guess Phylis to be 3 to 4 months old. Enjoy her every moment that you can. They grow up so very fast.

I have a blog for new keepers attached below with a section and a special link for females. I'm also attaching my egg laying/layin bin blog. At 5 months old she will need a laying bin provided for egg laying. They can and often do lay eggs as early as 5 or 6 months old. It's not recommended to breed until over a year. Do you have her housed seperately from your male? It's best to keep them where they can't even see eachother.

NO JAN!! what happened?! D:

and which one did you loose? :(
Thanks everyone :) Yeah I bet that's not good at all after years of looking after them :( It's very much a pet you can't help but get attached to aswell isn't it. If ever my wife and I see a dried Seahorse in a shop on the coast it really upsets her. Something about the way they look so delecate and helpless. Similar thing I suppose....
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