MBD recovery


New Member
I had posted on here about a month ago that I had gotten a baby veiled with MBD from work (petsmart.) He is recovering beautifully and I just wanted to share some pictures. I'm ecstatic with his progress!!!

The first one is him at work the day I brought Orion home (march 9,2015) second is the day after he came home. The last two are him today, over a month later and doing so so well! (also, because of him getting sick, we have completely changed our feeding/ care schedule at my store. We are being much more careful to add more variety to everyone's diets, but especially any chameleons we get in. My store is very on top of changing our UV lights every 6 months and we change out heat bulbs or bring reps into the warmer back room as needed.)


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That is fantastic! He looks 100% better. It must be very rewarding for you to see his progress!!!. Keep the updates coming!
nice work! i feel so bad for his little legs though, it sucks that theyll never go back to normal. i hope he lives very long and healthily under your care!
That's super cool and way to go on taking initiative! Does petsmart not have care instructions employees follow? Curious, really. Spearhead a new company policy!

Would be great to share how you brought him back from MBD! Inquiring minds want to know.
That's super cool and way to go on taking initiative! Does petsmart not have care instructions employees follow? Curious, really. Spearhead a new company policy!

Would be great to share how you brought him back from MBD! Inquiring minds want to know.

STores like PetStupid stick to what they call "company policy" even when it comes to husbandry. I couldn't begin to count how many times we try to influence policy...and get ignored.
I had posted on here about a month ago that I had gotten a baby veiled with MBD from work (petsmart.) He is recovering beautifully and I just wanted to share some pictures. I'm ecstatic with his progress!!!

The first one is him at work the day I brought Orion home (march 9,2015) second is the day after he came home. The last two are him today, over a month later and doing so so well! (also, because of him getting sick, we have completely changed our feeding/ care schedule at my store. We are being much more careful to add more variety to everyone's diets, but especially any chameleons we get in. My store is very on top of changing our UV lights every 6 months and we change out heat bulbs or bring reps into the warmer back room as needed.)

Aww, poor little guy! He looks so much better! There is real life in his eyes now. I wish you could send PetStupid's corporate HQ some pics of him just as you first bought him and also pics of a HEALTHY cham of the same age. They should be ashamed...and so should their breeder!
Thanks guys! I think the issue with him was that we weren't keeping track of dusting bugs and rotating crickets and worms as well as we used too. We got lax and paid for it. Petsmart has policies, but I'll be the very first to tell you that they aren't always awesome. :( At our store, my managers and a few folks in petcare spend money out of their own pockets for fresh fruit and veggies for animals over the freeze dried crap they tell us to use. We are also lucky to have a banfield so any sick small animal (we don't have an rep vet, so that takes a day or two for a rep to be seen,) goes straight to the vet. Thankfully our cases of MBD have been few and far between.

On how I recovered him; he wasn't eating when I brought him home, so I syringe fed him canned A/D food mixed with Flukers liquid calcium twice a day for a few days. I also gave him a drop of just the liquid calcium each day. He lived in a 5 gallon fish tank with a screen lid the first 2 weeks or so that I had him. After a few days, I bought a few small crickets and he ate a cricket or two each day (while still getting an A/D slurry via syringe once a day) for the rest of the week. So about 3 days A/D slurry with calcium twice a day, then bugs and A/D slurry with calcium for another 4 days or so. After that he was able to eat bugs on his own so he got crickets, mealworms and wax worms.

Now he is on a rotation of crickets, small superworms, black soldier flies and silkworms, dusted every other day or so.
On how I recovered him; he wasn't eating when I brought him home, so I syringe fed him canned A/D food mixed with Flukers liquid calcium twice a day for a few days. I also gave him a drop of just the liquid calcium each day. He lived in a 5 gallon fish tank with a screen lid the first 2 weeks or so that I had him. After a few days, I bought a few small crickets and he ate a cricket or two each day (while still getting an A/D slurry via syringe once a day) for the rest of the week. So about 3 days A/D slurry with calcium twice a day, then bugs and A/D slurry with calcium for another 4 days or so. After that he was able to eat bugs on his own so he got crickets, mealworms and wax worms.

Now he is on a rotation of crickets, small superworms, black soldier flies and silkworms, dusted every other day or so.

Good job! Hope that information helps others. What is canned A/D food though? :confused:
Awesome job littlebigbox!!! I always wondered if supplementation of liquid egg whites (room temperature of course) administered by eye dropper would be beneficial to animals suffering from injury or mbd. I know with mbd you would still have to supplement calcium, but as far as the protein requirements???
Amazing job with him! Thank you so much for rescuing him! The 1st picture hurts my heart...he has come a long way, thanks to you!
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