Marijuana plants?

while I have never experienced it myself, what about those people who use marijuana leaves in thier pot brownies or other confections? I assume they are eating the plant/leaves which are processed into the mixture in small or broken down pieces and from what i hear that results into a "better" high than smoking.

p.s. this is what happended when you eat it...ied rather smoke it..personally.. :D
Just an FYI ;)

There are Male and Female plants!
ONLY Females produce flowers/buds that contain THC. I'd assume the plant (leaves) itself is just like any other (ficus, croton, etc) They are all slightly "toxic" but wont do harm in moderation.

I would not recommend getting your Cham high for $hits n giggles. But it would increase ones apatite (in humans anyway). Just saying.:cool:
Just an FYI ;)

There are Male and Female plants!
ONLY Females produce flowers/buds that contain THC. I'd assume the plant (leaves) itself is just like any other (ficus, croton, etc) They are all slightly "toxic" but wont do harm in moderation.

I would not recommend getting your Cham high for $hits n giggles. But it would increase ones apatite (in humans anyway). Just saying.:cool:

I would guess a male plant would be even worse for a chameleon to climb on because the male plant produces pollen sacks, so a Cham could be inhaling the pollen and get it all over it's skin
Lol I know pollen is pollen but would you like high doses of pollen all throughout your home and all over your skin and in your eyes?

No, but if you have allergies you'd be all sorts of messed up!

They even have Marijuana Honey! Just link any other "flower" honey.
Not to be childish but I just had a random thought about how a chameleon would act stoned, then a thought popped up wondering if anyone put marijuana in their cages and had them eat it. Anyone do this?

Won't work, too moist, don't live long, won't grow not enough hours of light, they need specialized mostly toxic nutrients.
Once again. The leaves are not used in the brownies. They THC filled buds are!

And you would most definatly be high for a longer period of time if eaten.

Actually it is the leaves that are used from the female plant, the trichomes are actually extracted from them and incorporated into butter. Buds would be too costly.
Marijuana is toxic to dogs and cats. They don't act stoned, they vomit a lot and have diarrhea but never appear high. So toxicity would be my concern.
Won't work, too moist, don't live long, won't grow not enough hours of light, they need specialized mostly toxic nutrients.

It technically would work, it would just be a very skinny stretched out small plant not stable for a Cham to climb on. I've seen people start seed to bud with a 12 hour light cycle.

After all it is a weed it can grow in harsh conditions, But again if someone was to do this without nutrients, the right lights, light cycle ect. It would be a verry poor excuse of a mj plant
LOL that jackson was trippin. Its only the bud that is used. I like to eat it because i get bad coughs if i smoke it. I dont think the smoke will do much to the chams, i think my roommate has smoked afew times in our apartment where my lizard would be exposed, but i didnt notice any problems and with my vet check ups they didnt notice anything either. Lol i wonder if they would get red eyed. Give them some `Rudolf the Red eyed Reindeer`
Actually it is the leaves that are used from the female plant, the trichomes are actually extracted from them and incorporated into butter. Buds would be too costly.

Nice way to get "stuck" and a nice headache, lol. Thats "Shake" or poormans brownies. But yes you are correct. But thoes are the "leaves" in and around the actual bud and pistlils. (produced after polination).

I'd be more concerned with my Cham on a Tobaco plant.

LOL that jackson was trippin. Its only the bud that is used. I like to eat it because i get bad coughs if i smoke it. I dont think the smoke will do much to the chams, i think my roommate has smoked afew times in our apartment where my lizard would be exposed, but i didnt notice any problems and with my vet check ups they didnt notice anything either. Lol i wonder if they would get red eyed. Give them some `Rudolf the Red eyed Reindeer`

Most doctors recommend vaporizing. No smell, no smoke, and all the same effects.
Nice way to get "stuck" and a nice headache, lol. Thats "Shake" or poormans brownies. But yes you are correct. But thoes are the "leaves" in and around the actual bud and pistlils. (produced after polination).

No pollination ever occurs on the female unless you want seeds...she produces trichomes to catch pollen, the trichomes contain a majority of the intoxicating

I can assure you that 95% of edibles and oil come from trimmings not bud. There is no difference in the thc or cbn from trim or bud. The only time bud is ever used is if it was unsmokable due to improper flush or cure or morons not knowing what they are doing.

Either way it's not a choice plant for a chameleon. It's not recommended.
Im sure they will grow but 5 gallon buckets never yield much anyways.. your chameleon will crawl all over the plant and even though the buds will be small. i dont recommend as buds can be be very sticky icky.
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Most doctors recommend vaporizing. No smell, no smoke, and all the same effects.

Only vaporizer I actually enjoyed was a Volcano. Other vaporizers simply don't get me high enough or high at all. Nothing beats a fat blunt or bong hit when I need to get my fix. Unless you are using a Volcano, I suggest just smoking it normally because usually vapes are a waste of bud IMO.
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