Lost 1.5 month old panther


New Member
Hey everyone.
Yesterday while my partner was cleaning out his tank, I had out my tiny 1.5 month old chameleon on a blanket on the couch and our adult chameleon was also hanging out on the side table on his tree. I turned away for maybe 30 seconds and my baby was gone. I have turned our place upside down looking for him. I’ve checked wires, blinds, behind the tv, all blankets on the couch, on top of the other reptiles tanks, windows, etc. I also have his tank on the ground near where he may have been lost with the lights on and a pothos close by as well. My question is, how long does he have before I should give up looking? He’s a heathy little dude, always ate well and was monitored constantly. We are devastated and I am completely to blame. I also have no idea if my adult could’ve ate him when I was turned away. I didn’t notice any chewing or hear him shoot his tongue but I can’t rule it out. Any words of advice would be appreciated. Thank you


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How far away was the baby from the adult? And when you turned back around was your adult closer to where the baby was? Could the baby have moved closer to where the adult was? A baby that young is absolutely small enough that an adult panther could have eaten it if it had the opportunity.

They typically are going to climb high as that is where they feel the safest. They can be fast as well. If you can make the room really dark... Then stand in one spot carefully moving around looking where you step and use a flashlight to look under, behind and on top of everything. This method works well because you will see the reflection of their eyes.
The baby was probably about 1.5 feet away from the adult. Would I be able to tell based on my adults next feces if he ate him or not? At least then I can have some closure. He was a Christmas gift to my girlfriend. I feel so horrible about losing him. Last night I stood on a stool in the room with a big flashlight and shined it everywhere. I looked with a flashlight this morning as well and still no luck. Everytime I’ve seen a forum like this they have found their chameleon but ours is so much younger.
You might try setting up a cup of fruit flies or tiny crickets and use that to draw him out . Put it somewhere high so he can see it or put out a few. He's bound to be very hungry by now.
The baby was probably about 1.5 feet away from the adult. Would I be able to tell based on my adults next feces if he ate him or not? At least then I can have some closure. He was a Christmas gift to my girlfriend. I feel so horrible about losing him. Last night I stood on a stool in the room with a big flashlight and shined it everywhere. I looked with a flashlight this morning as well and still no luck. Everytime I’ve seen a forum like this they have found their chameleon but ours is so much younger.
Yes, from what I have heard of chameleons eating things like lizards there are remnants that they pass that they do not break down during digestion. Was it a 1.5 foot gap where neither of them could get any closer to one another?

Look under and behind stuff as well.
Omg I’m so sorry this happened. My chameleon was eaten by a hawk during a free range session outside. Its sickening. You will recover but it’s very traumatic. You can either blame yourself or learn from the experience. You can’t do both
Yes, from what I have heard of chameleons eating things like lizards there are remnants that they pass that they do not break down during digestion. Was it a 1.5 foot gap where neither of them could get any closer to one another?

Look under and behind stuff as well.
They could’ve gotten closer to each other but I feel like I would’ve heard my bigger one if he had shot out his tongue and chewed him. I had turned away for no more than 30 seconds. The little guy was heading in the opposite direction of my adult chameleon.
They could’ve gotten closer to each other but I feel like I would’ve heard my bigger one if he had shot out his tongue and chewed him. I had turned away for no more than 30 seconds. The little guy was heading in the opposite direction of my adult chameleon.
Well fingers crossed you find the baby. :)
I am really hoping that you find your baby. I don’t know if additionally adding a bright and warm light over the area where you put the fruit flies would help. Most chameleons gravitate towards the brightest light.
Oh no!!! This is so sad to hear!! I hope your older Chameleon didn't eat your baby!! I hope you find him/her! Losing a chameleon, especially a baby that you've only had for a few weeks, is so sad!!! Sending you my best wishes!!
Oh no!!! This is so sad to hear!! I hope your older Chameleon didn't eat your baby!! I hope you find him/her! Losing a chameleon, especially a baby that you've only had for a few weeks, is so sad!!! Sending you my best wishes!!
We are heartbroken, I spent all day yesterday and most of the day today looking for him. still no signs.
Hey everyone.
Yesterday while my partner was cleaning out his tank, I had out my tiny 1.5 month old chameleon on a blanket on the couch and our adult chameleon was also hanging out on the side table on his tree. I turned away for maybe 30 seconds and my baby was gone. I have turned our place upside down looking for him. I’ve checked wires, blinds, behind the tv, all blankets on the couch, on top of the other reptiles tanks, windows, etc. I also have his tank on the ground near where he may have been lost with the lights on and a pothos close by as well. My question is, how long does he have before I should give up looking? He’s a heathy little dude, always ate well and was monitored constantly. We are devastated and I am completely to blame. I also have no idea if my adult could’ve ate him when I was turned away. I didn’t notice any chewing or hear him shoot his tongue but I can’t rule it out. Any words of advice would be appreciated. Thank you
Look up, all the way up. Ontop of curtains, rods, anything that is the highest in your home. Plants. Heat sources. They are masters straight from the egg at climbing and at hiding. One time a baby somehow had escaped and made it into one of my adult open range enclosures, it meet its Sire in the worst way😪 but he didn't swallow it, only chewed. Sorry for gruesome details. I don't think they like their taste, the same Sire is a food addict, will eat everything, once caught him outside having eaten a lizard, I only caught him cuz the lizard tail was still outside his mouth swinging side to side.
I hope you find it, they can actually survive for quote a long time. I wouldn't stop until at least 2 weeks time.
Good luck.
Still no sign of the baby. We are starting to lose hope. We turned off all lights and checked again with flashlights in all the places we could think of. :(
How long has it been now? Look on any power cords, could it have reached into the tree where the big one was hanging out? Keep looking, it will turn up. Ck curtains!
Good luck.
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