long slow shedding


New Member
my veiled has been shedding for two weeks ,ive had her for a couple of months , she is healthy in every way its just im not too sure how long a shedding may take ?

thanks and regards .
Yeah ... I have the same problem with my male veiled ... 4+ yrs old. He shed from his head to partway down his body. It's been at least a week ... probably closer to 2 weeks. I've given him a couple of warm showers in that time frame and mist his cage at least twice daily. After his showers I've genltly tried to peel a bit off of him but left anything that really seemed stuck to him. I also tried getting some off his feet/toes as I've heard that they can lose a toe if the old skin constricts enough.

I can currently see a slight line of dry skin going down his sides. Will he be okay and just shed in time or is there something else I can try to help him along. He's the cham that's in my avatar pic.

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
what is the humidity in yalls cages? how often do you mist or if have a mist system how long do you run it? temperature might also be good to know as well.
Hey John,

I don't have a thermometer or hydrometer in my veiled's enclosure. He's in a 30" x 30" x 48" Reptarium mesh enclosure. He has a 150W Reti-Sun bulb several inches above as well as a fluorescent UVB bulb. He get's heavily misted at least twice a day however being in a mesh enclosure I'm not sure how long the humidity stays high for.

I do have a Flukker's temp/humidity gauge in another enclosure that I could put in there to get some readings. He seems to be moving around and eating fine. He comes up to the top to warm up and occasionally climbs down to cool off.

Are there any signs that I could look for to see if this unshed skin issue is becoming a problem for him?

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
Are you supplementing with any pre-formed vitamin A?
A tiny drop on a feeder once every other week is what I do and it really helps with skin condition and shedding.
I use gel-caps intended for people....lowest IU available.
Pierce the capsule with a pin and squeeze a VERY TINY drop out onto a silkworm or waxworm.

Hey Brad,

Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely try that. Currently he only gets the occasional food-dusting with calcium/D3 supplement.

BTW - Do you think this method could be used for all reptiles/amphibians to help shedding or would it not be good for some??

Dyesub Dave. :D
I think that the reptiles you feed vertebrates to (snakes, possibly the pacman frog) are already getting a sufficient amount of pre-formed vitamin A and I don't know much about Gecko husbandry.
In other words, I can't really say with any confidence or experience.

dont wry about it man,my vield was shedding for a month,i wanted to get him in a shower but he wouldnt let me pick him up,,hes very healthy and getting big,,so i just misted him like crazy,it all fell off and since then he has shed again but this time it was a quick shedding
thank everyone !

advice all good as usual. she is misted at least twice a day,has a dripper on constantly,temp is about 80 at her chosen basking spot{3rd highest branch}

think its just a slow shedding, shes fine in every other way{i think!}

can this be a sign of a deficiancy of some sort ?

id hate to think so ! but wasnt to sure ?

she gets reptivite dusted twice weekly and also a very small amount of cod liver oil weekly.......oh ,and the humidity is usually around 60,shes lives in a 175 gallon flexarium.
Hey ... the mentioning of Cod Liver Oil got me thinking. I've got some Halibut Liver Oil pills in the fridge. However the amounts in them are Vitamin A - 5000 IU and Vitamin D3 400 IU. Is this WAAAAY too much to put a drop from one of these pea sized capsules on a silkworm and feed it to my chams?

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
I think that's a lot.
My fish oil based vitamin A gel caps are 400 IU's per capsule
from which I use one tiny drop.
You don't want to risk hypervitaminosis (you can overdose on A!).

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