LLL Ambilobe

that's funny males and females were the same price at the expo, all in the same cage and their was one in particular that was showing alot of blues and i wanted him bad but i was their to buy my first female so i ended up getting this one that was an orange/peach color at the time but he turned out male anyways.one of the best oops. that Ive ever had.
He is a stunner!!! WoW! Thats crazy because i actually went to LLL reptile last year to get a male nosy be. and after a couple months "he" still wasnt showing any colors mind you she was 5 months old. well, now i know he is actually a she!:( . i actually want to breed her to my ambilobe but i dont want to cross her. i thought she was a he when i picked her out because she was showing some blues and reds. crazy!
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