jackson or veiled...

i am having trouble deciding between the two, i like the veiled size but the jacksons horns. what do you all think is better for a first time owner?
I've read through the care sheets of both, but the main thing is the humidity for jacksons i think. how can you keep the humidity so high in a screen enclosure?
I am new time owner and I chose a Jacksons. In the winter it is extremely hard to keep up humidity. Mine gets to 70% during misting and drops to 40% in between. I run a humidifier at night and night stays around 60%. I need to figure that out but if you are worried about humidity or difficulty then definitely get a veiled. They are less sensitive to supplementation and need lower humidity.
Veiled usually has ore temperament where a jax is more mellow...
The humidity issue is easily solved with sufficient misting and a humidifier to be safe... I often don't even use the humidifier as humidity usually is 60-70% in my chams room. The biggest challenge I have encountered with my jax is the temperature drop during summer, but putting him outside solves that issue.
I never kept a Jackson but will do at some point.
It is possible for a beginner to keep either if you follow the information from this forum, but a Veiled is certainly more forgiving of slight mistakes (especially if you get a young one).
I am slightly concerned that your name is JACKSON-BREEDER-16 when you have never looked after a chameleon yet. You should have lots of real experience keeping reptiles before you even think of breeding chams.
Well in that case I say go for whichever species you like the look of more (I know it's a hard choice!).
Veileds need a bit more room, Jacksons need the humidity. It's a not a huge trade off :)
Panthers are pretty great. They're colorful, relatively calm, and easy to care for. Their care is almost identical to that of a veiled, only they should have a little bit more space (in my opinion) and a higher humidity. They also don't need as many real plants (veileds tend to eat plants, so they need real ones so they don't choke on a plastic leaf) and they're gorgeous. There are 4 different (COMMON) types of panthers. Ambilobe, Ambanja, Nosy Be and Nosy Faly.
Here are some stereotypical pics of each kind.

Ambilobe Panther Cham.jpg



Nosy Be:


Nosy Faly:

Nosy Faly Cham.jpg
I personally love all of them, but this is just stereotypical stuff. Not what every cham looks like, obviously. Every cham is different, that's part of what makes them awesome!


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    Ambilobe Panther Cham.jpg
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  • Ambilobe Panther Cham.jpg
    Ambilobe Panther Cham.jpg
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