I'm a horrible Cham mommy :(

u could make your own mash with some crickets, worms, suppliments, friuts, veggies, baby food mix it up. if you get it good and mashed im sure you could get it through a sringe.
It is gross but it is time to make bug juice. I have a little blender for this but you can just wash yours a lot after wards. Take, pedalite, ensure, add a touch of liquid calcium, mix with crickets, or worms or dubia. I think crickets mix the best. Just blend the mixture until you have most of the crickets blended. Then strain out any non liquid parts - usually legs and such. Put it in the syringe and give it to your baby. It is as close as we can come to giving them what they normally eat and it is very healthy. Hope this helps.
I actually have a small food processor I use only for my juvenile bearded dragons veggies. I can use it. Thanks so much for the info! That sounds much more natural then just baby food.
Good on you for making an effort Farra, but never beat yourself up, plenty of folk in the world more than happy to do that!
Best wishes with your animal. :)
Some bad news :(

Today when I went to feed him I noticed the front of his mouth looked a little funny. I pulled his bottom lip down and it appears he has mouth rot. His lip has almost no elasticity to it on the bottom front and it's really dark. On top of that I caught him doing some open mouth breathing a few times. Is there anything else I can do other then what I've been doing?
Did you give him any antibiotics after the tongue was ripped off?
If he has mouth rot it needs to be cleaned out thoroughly by a vet, a culture and sensitivity test done and he needs to be put on the appropriate antibiotic.

The mouth breathing is not a good sign IMHO.
He's on Baytril now, today was day 6 of 10. And yah I know it sounds like a URI. This poor little guy has been through hell and is still hanging on. I'm going to clean his lip with a q-tip and just some water. The vet I took him to which is an exotic animal vet had no clue about chams. I had to tell him everything and what I needed. On a positive side, I bought a kitchen scale today and he has gained 1 gram since last Friday.
I just wanted everyone to know that my little guy passed away tonight while I was at work. He had gotten pretty bad over the last few days. I feel so bad that I wasn't able to save him :( I really don't know what else to say, I'm heart broken.
I am very sorry to hear you lost the little one. I guess we knew it was coming. A chameleon can only recover from so many problems at a time.:(

On a good note, I mailed panacur to you, so at least you will have it for the next time you might need to.
Thank you so much Laurie! That's so sweet of you! I new he wasn't going to make it once all the problems arose I was just hoping I guess.
And thank you Julirs!
In this case I think he had a mouth infection and parasites from being wild caught that led to the muscles in his tongue weakening. I think he got it caught on something in the cage when shooting at a cricket and since he wouldn't pull it back in bit it off. But I will never be sure. This was a freak accident that happens rarely not something you see happen alot.
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