ihave a question


New Member
we have decided to get a pair of yemens but i am not sure wether to go for babies or adults. i handled one in the shopbut it was so small to be honesti was a bit scared of hurting it i know getting adults are more robust and also if we get adults they might be nasty. which way is the best way?
There is a certain mortality with hatchling chameleons so if you don't have any experience with them I would advise you to at least not get one that is under 4 months. (By then the ones that are weak will have already passed away.) Other than that its up to you!

If you are intending to get a pair so that you can breed them, then I would also suggest you get an unrelated pair.

Don't forget that females can produce eggs once they are sexually mature without having been mated so you need to make sure that it has a place to dig in its cage once it is sexually mature. With the females there can be reproductive issues too.
we bought a baby chameleon veiled, and picked a male just because of the whole egg business and when they have babies its meant to take a few years off their lives, what you have to think about is with getting a baby is they are more fragile, require more looking after but the plus note is you get to see it growing, you get to know its own unique preferences what he likes what he doesnt, you get more time with them and last but not least they are cuter. Having an adult is good because raising a fragile baby is challenging and a grown on cham will have at least gone past the challenges of getting him big and healthy, one last thing to think about if you get a grown on one you will only really need to buy one tank thats going to do him for all his life, but say if you get a baby you need a small tank then you gotta change it when he starts growing, just my opinion only you can decide though.
I got my first two Veileds at a year old. Female + Male. I dont regret it one bit. Yes the babies are cute but would require lots of time and effort. Though dont get me wrong... it takes time and effort at this age. Just make sure when you decide to get the ones you want try to take some time and see how they act aroudn you before you purchase them. If your ordering from an online source I would ask the person selling how they behave and act.
Almost all Uk Chameleons are captive bred from good stock, and the Veileds (Yemens) seem to have got slightly hardier. If you have experience with reptiles and don't mind getting a smaller setup, then upgrading after a few months to two bigger ones then go for babies (just 'cos they're cuter if you need a reason). Read the caresheets on the forum and you won't go far wrong.
thank you every one for the great info maybe i can go for babies after all. yes we have kept reptiles for years mainly dragons and snakes so we are not complete novices , and we live by and good friends with our local rep shop so i have help close by if i need it. but i always do my homework
Oh yeah, welcome to the forum, and don't forget to get pictures when they first arrive. I didn't get any good ones and I regret it (a little bit)
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