I need help ASAP


Earlier my juvenile veiled chameleon at a small piece of vine. Its a aeschynanthus lobbianus(lipstick plant). Now after about 2 hours he seems really bloated. What do i do. The closest vet is 133 miles away and its currently 7:31 pm
yes i saw him eat it and then franticly searched for it and its non toxic to chams. It wasnt the leaf it was the stalk that the leaves grow from.
The ASPCA says lipstick plants are nontoxic so you may be ok perhaps it's just gas maybe try feeding a horn worm and mist/get her to drink
Veileds eat plants all the time mine does anyway her pothos is like a chew toy if it's on the safe plant list and nontoxic I would not be too worried
The ASPCA says lipstick plants are nontoxic so you may be ok perhaps it's just gas maybe try feeding a horn worm and mist/get her to drink

The peice was about 1cm long and its only about a 2 or 3 month old cham. The picture is about the size he ate.its also quite bendy. IMG_0489[1].JPG IMG_0490[1].JPG IMG_0491[1].JPG
If your really worried I would try long warm showers tons of water soft wet foods (if he will eat) like horn worns peeled grapes maybe do a search and read up on impaction
If your really worried I would try long warm showers tons of water soft wet foods (if he will eat) like horn worns peeled grapes maybe do a search and read up on impaction

Im starting to think he has URI cause he just sneezed and is still puffed up which i have read are signs of URI
I think you're being paranoid. If he doesn't pass any bowl movements in a couple days, then you should worry.

Im 14 and have no expirience with tropical reptiles. Desert reptiles but not tropical. Hes become a part of me and i dont want to lose him. Im trying the best i can to find solutions.
Good, I'm glad you care for your animals. That's always the best start to owning any kind of pet. I worry as well when ever I start working any new reptile as well. It's natural for an animal lover! Your best bet for succes is to follow the guidelines here on the forum. Now, if the plant he consumed is on the safe plant list, don't worry. He's probably swollowed it by now and is digesting it. Veileds are notorious for eating plants. Both of mine do it. Just get him in a screen cage, feed him well, give him proper lighting, watering and you'll be alright. Make sure to keep an eye on his breathing as well. There's many members here willing to help as long as you're willing to listen!
Good, I'm glad you care for your animals. That's always the best start to owning any kind of pet. I worry as well when ever I start working any new reptile as well. It's natural for an animal lover! Your best bet for succes is to follow the guidelines here on the forum. Now, if the plant he consumed is on the safe plant list, don't worry. He's probably swollowed it by now and is digesting it. Veileds are notorious for eating plants. Both of mine do it. Just get him in a screen cage, feed him well, give him proper lighting, watering and you'll be alright. Make sure to keep an eye on his breathing as well. There's many members here willing to help as long as you're willing to listen!

Thank you for understanding. I was never expecting to get Rico. By tomorrow his zoo med chameleon kit should be in along with some fake vines, drift wood, a automatic sprayer, and a red bulb. I saw him and bonded right away. And for some reason he loves watching me play video games or doing practically any thing on the computer. The only problem is our location. The closest vet that does reptiles is 133 miles away and that is very difficult. I get very stressed by anything and have ADHD along with depresion. Its hard to not worry sometimes.
Glad to hear you got a kit on the way. Ditch the red bulb though, those aren't the best for chams. Just use daylight basking bulbs. Other than that you sound all set! He'll be much happier in his new home!
Glad to hear you got a kit on the way. Ditch the red bulb though, those aren't the best for chams. Just use daylight basking bulbs. Other than that you sound all set! He'll be much happier in his new home!

Ill make sure to get one what watt do i have to get my room usually stays at 70-80
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