Hunger strike?


New Member

My female veiled chameleon is most likely on a hunger strike, although im not absolutely sure yet.
She hasn't eaten a single cricket since, ive tried literally everything that has come up to my mind. She does however eat mealworms and has an eye on them as soon as I get into the room. Funny since ive never fed this cham mealworms until today, I just gave her 4 mealworms. Her health is top notch, she is however a shade darker green than usual. She can't be tired of the crickets, I started feeding her crickets again two weeks ago and until 3 days ago, she had been eating em' with no issues. Another thing thats bothering me is the green she has been having today and yesterday. The temps and humdity are very much fine imo.

My cham:
Your Chameleon - Female veiled, roughly 1,1 yrs old.
Handling - Like with all my chameleons, 1-3 times a week. They are all very friendly and tamed.
Feeding - Roaches, crickets, hoppers(rarely), green mantis(smaller ones, rarely),waxworms,mealworms,silkworms,hornworms,superworms(worms are only as treats).
Supplements - I use exo terra calcium, water calciumize etc sometimes, chameleon vitamin/mineral powder 2-3 times a month.
Watering - I only use the mister on this
Fecal description - Normal.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18x18x36" for now, its a mesh cage obviously.
Lighting - exp terra 5.0 UVB bulb, duration varies, but its enough.
Temperature - 94 at basking spot, 86>77(top to bottom). 3 thermometers, analog.
Humidity - 40>70(top to bottom), three analog hygrometers.
Plants - I have A LOT of fake plants and vines etc etc and a Ficus Microcarpa bonsai (its 27 years old).
Placement - Its 2 feet from the ground and not near windows.
Has she ever laid eggs? Do you think it is possible that she is gravid? How much do you feed her? Like said above, the basking temp is fairly high for a female. Members usually recommend keeping the temps around 80-84 degrees for females that they dont want to lay eggs. Reducing food to the equivalent of 3-5 large crickets every other day will also help reduce the likelihood of laying eggs and reduce the numbers if she lays eggs anyways.
Has she ever laid eggs? Do you think it is possible that she is gravid? How much do you feed her? Like said above, the basking temp is fairly high for a female. Members usually recommend keeping the temps around 80-84 degrees for females that they dont want to lay eggs. Reducing food to the equivalent of 3-5 large crickets every other day will also help reduce the likelihood of laying eggs and reduce the numbers if she lays eggs anyways.

I reduced the basking spot temp to 81-83. Im aware of the feeding, i feed her 4-6 crickets or 3-5, depending on the size and type of insect. Other than the fact that she isn't interested in any food, theres no sign of her being gravid.

@DavidBuchan thanks for the link (;
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