Huge chemeleon, what is it?

That to me looks like a Parsonii. Not many people breed them in the US because they are very hard creatures to take care of, need A LOT OF care, and need a BIG habitat. Some people were able to breed them in other parts of the country though.
You are looking at an adult parsons, they are gentle giants with velvet skin. That chameleon would run $ 2500 to $ 5000, if you could get it.
That to me looks like a Parsonii. Not many people breed them in the US because they are very hard creatures to take care of, need A LOT OF care, and need a BIG habitat. Some people were able to breed them in other parts of the country though.

not to mention they are banned from export:rolleyes:
It's looks great. I wish to have one pair. I planning to do so now. Currently I have a same one in 12cm. I hope can keep him for long. ;D
The photo is a bit distorted so it looks bigger in relation to her arm than it should. Yes, Parson's are big but not THAT big! Yes, they have a finger numbing grip too! I've met a few in the wild...some were very gentle and a couple of the females we found were downright nasty.
parsons are like the elephants of the trees i would love to see the ban on exporting them lifted but control the numbers that come out .
A parsons needs a huge enclosure. Along with heavy plant life that can support there wieght. There expensive beautiful rare and a lot of research must be done before purchse. U can see why people are atracted to them.
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