just wanted to say hi,
thought it was about time i joined an expert forum of some sort as i'm not very confident with my veild chams...
basically i was 'given' 2 deformed veiled's from a pet shop owner i was dating....
ive since moved them out of the mesh shack they were in and re homed them into a glass one... although i know this is contraversial?/
they seemed happy as i caught them mating the following morning...
didnt think they were old enough....
i know they need to be kept apart and im not sure what to do about that...
anyone what female? named esmirelda as she has a slight hunch back
im more attached to the male... named quasimodo as he has a deformed jaw and as such has to be hand fed by me to keep him alive.... he wont use his tongue so would starve to death.....
im always needing advice so i hope you guys are a friendly bunch!
just thought id say hi for anyway x
thought it was about time i joined an expert forum of some sort as i'm not very confident with my veild chams...
basically i was 'given' 2 deformed veiled's from a pet shop owner i was dating....
ive since moved them out of the mesh shack they were in and re homed them into a glass one... although i know this is contraversial?/
they seemed happy as i caught them mating the following morning...
didnt think they were old enough....
i know they need to be kept apart and im not sure what to do about that...
anyone what female? named esmirelda as she has a slight hunch back
im more attached to the male... named quasimodo as he has a deformed jaw and as such has to be hand fed by me to keep him alive.... he wont use his tongue so would starve to death.....
im always needing advice so i hope you guys are a friendly bunch!
just thought id say hi for anyway x