Hi From Canada

Zen Reptiles

Avid Member

Joined the forum in 2006 but have never been active on it. I'm in British Columbia and I had a pair of veileds for 8 years and both died last summer, so now after missing them so much, I've decided to get a trio of Ambilobes in May. I kept some pygmy chams in the past as well, and would like to get some more eventually to keep in some large dart frog vivariums.

Just wondering if there are any good threads you guys would suggest reading on new and innovative husbandry topics/techniques. It's been a few years since I did DAYS and days of research on chameleons, so if anything new has come up in discussion in the last few years I'd love to read it.

One thing I'd like to know about is the UVB output of standard (cheap) compact fluorescent bulbs. I like the idea of those because they can be focused on the basking spot where the chameleon spends most of its time instead of a long tube where you don't know if they are getting adequate exposure.

I also keep dart frogs, basilisks, crested geckos, some crested river dragons, several species of feeder roaches, red eye treefrogs, and tomato frogs, getting some crocodile skinks soon, and hoping to get more into montaine species of chameleons and Phelsumas as well.

If anyone knows where I could get some Ch. montiums, quardicornis, jacksonii or johnstonii in CANADA, I would really appreciate any leads!

Wow active forum!! That's what I like to see.

I also like the number of responses already from BC!!


I LOVE TRACE!!!!!!!!!!!

How's life down in the states? I don't even want to ask what you're keeping now, since your fingers will probably fall off by the time you're done typing the list.


Thanks for the links too!

In case you guys aren't members already: www.dasnakes.com/bcrc is our pretty new BC Reptile Club, it's active and awesome people. I went to the potluck last month and everyone was awesome, I have high hopes for this club (unlike the WSPCR days). There's actually quite a few members on the island as well, I think they are having a get together in May.
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Welcome back!!!!!! How did you get your veileds to live for so long? I hope I will be able to enjoy mine for 8 years. Jann
I remember you from somewhere. :confused: Your name is memorable. Not many Brocks in the community I imagine. Anyway, welcome back into the hobby!
Chamelisa, when I started with my veileds in 2000, all there was was a Yahoo! group for chams, so I've been a part of everything since then! haha.

Jann, I used HerpCare supplements by Mardel, which were recommended to me by a very experienced cham keeper to be the highest quality available. With the new Ambilobes I'm getting, I'll be using some Repashy and Sticky Tongue Farms brands though as I think they are equal or higher quality.

I also used a variety of roaches as feeders, which are much more nutritional than the usual feeders people use.

A friend of mine had a 12 year old male veiled that died last years, and her female was 8 as well, she also uses roaches and a variety of feeders and the best supplements she can buy (uses them fresh also).

I also used Reverse Osmosis water all that time, and I think that had a lot to do with it as well.

I'm up in Fort St John, BC.

I know there are some Canadian breeders, search for "canopy chameleons" I believe they will have some panther and jackson babies coming up. They are located in Ab but I do believe they ship.

Good luck, and let me know if you find one! I am also looking, for either Jackson's or Panther. I am waiting for the spring though, I am going to the Edmonton ERAS spring show and will hopefully find something there.

We should have some Jacksons coming up for sale towards the end of the summer. We will also have some Nosy Mitsio and Nosy Faly clutches available around then as well.
I love how much new panther breeding is going on up here now!! Nosy Mitsio AAANNNDDD Nosy Faly? That's poetry in motion.

Thanks for the lead on the jacksonii. Canopy Chameleons, is that Jasmin or Dawn? I'll send em a PM.

It makes me so happy to see so many Canadians here.
Im from b.c too!! :) Glad more canadians are joing this forum! Welcome back and hope you enjoy this

We would love to hear how you got them to live 8 years!! :O

Hey NewOwner,

The male unfortunately died of a spider bite, I'm sure he would have lived a lot longer, he was around 6 years old.

The female was 8 years old, and I would say my success was with using the best quality supplements I could find (HerpCare, but Sticky Tongue Farms and Repashy brands both look great).

Reverse Osmosis water is all I used for the majority of that time, which is closest to rainwater. I would never use rainwater from here though, as it would have some mercury content in it.

I only used UVB lights when they were young, and just used normal UV lights the rest of the time, and a bright reflector lamp, as somewhere I had read that brightness along with heat plays a big factor in reptile health.

The female was also hand tame from just a few months old, and being handleable for 8 years really reduces all the stress associated with cleaning their cage, feeding, even just walking in the room, over such a long period of time. I'm a strong advocate of taming and handling chameleons because in the long run, they will be less stressed whenever people are around.

I also use a variety of roaches, which are a lot more nutritional than the more common feeders. I'd treat them to butterworms and/or silkworms once every two or three months, and in the summer I'd go out and catch green grasshoppers. They also went crazy for slugs from my garden, which there are always plenty off. Whenever we had any bee or wasp hives around, I'd torch them and then loot all the developing nymphs, which all my critters loved.

I'd also recommend for any chameleon owner, to get a breeding group of snails, and feed off the babies. They love the taste of the 'slug' part, and the shell is a great source of calcium.

I always took them out in the sun in the summer as well, but usually only several hours a week, and I never over-did it with the d3 in the winter. Once a month maximum. Calcium at almost every feeding, and a multi-vitamin once or twice a week.

That's all I can think of. I'd say variety of feeders and r/o water are the main factors.

Hi brock, welcome back, I am also a former canadian, I live in the toronto area though, But if your looking for some quality panther chameleons, chromachameleons is a great choice hes around toronto somewhere, but has some very nice looking chams, i think he ships also

I LOVE TRACE!!!!!!!!!!!

How's life down in the states? I don't even want to ask what you're keeping now, since your fingers will probably fall off by the time you're done typing the list.


Awww shucks. :eek:
Actually I'm back in Canada now; a long story best shared over beer. Or, preferably, a nice single malt scotch. My collection is a little smaller, but still way, way cool.

Good to have you back. I haven't seen anything that interesting chameleon wise at the eastern shows since I've returned, but I'll keep you in mind if I do.

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