Help with vet costs.

If you all would read op’s initial post, you would see that getting a chameleon was not exactly op’s intentional choice. His brother obtained it for free from Craig’s List and then was unable to care for it, so op stepped up. Yes, we do see all too often that people get chameleons without thought to proper care or expense. However, it appears op is just trying to care for the animal that has otherwise been not properly cared for and been passed along. While soliciting for financial assistance is questionable and I’m not sure where forum rules fit in here, I ask that you please stop roasting op. Instead perhaps offer some constructive advice on how he may raise some funds in his community to provide needed care for the chameleon. From his posts, I assume op is a young person, but regardless he’s just trying to help this poor cham so be nice please. Thank you.
I didn’t see the original post, that said I still think they should give the chameleon away to someone who can afford the expense. Just my opinion, like I said wasn’t trying to be a jerk.
Why do you have a Chameleon when you can’t afford to take care of it? Not trying to be a jerk, I’m just sick and tired of seeing crap like this.

If your a younger person I guess it’s understandable, if your an adult shame on you!
My thoughts too... so you start off incorrectly, and then want people to pay to fix your mistakes? How about give the chameleon away if you can't afford the correct supplies.
I agree that someone who can’t afford the essentials shouldn’t be a caregiver, however, not everyone understands that chameleon keeping is soo extensive. I certainly did not! In Hawaii they are as common as a coconut (exaggeration but you know what I mean) if you are in the right places. So it’s easy to assume you can just stick them in a cage, throw them some bugs, and water them every now and then. In a place where chameleons are more exotic, tailored care would seem a bit more obvious. 😅
Oh yeah I don't have any problem with someone making an honest mistake. I've done things like that in the past, especially as a kid. My issue is that if one can't afford even the simplest aspects of it, then they should give the animal away. Doesn't seem right to make a go fund me for other people to fix your own mistakes.
If you all would read op’s initial post, you would see that getting a chameleon was not exactly op’s intentional choice. His brother obtained it for free from Craig’s List and then was unable to care for it, so op stepped up. Yes, we do see all too often that people get chameleons without thought to proper care or expense. However, it appears op is just trying to care for the animal that has otherwise been not properly cared for and been passed along. While soliciting for financial assistance is questionable and I’m not sure where forum rules fit in here, I ask that you please stop roasting op. Instead perhaps offer some constructive advice on how he may raise some funds in his community to provide needed care for the chameleon. From his posts, I assume op is a young person, but regardless he’s just trying to help this poor cham so be nice please. Thank you.
I didn’t see the original post, that said I still think they should give the chameleon away to someone who can afford the expense. Just my opinion, like I said wasn’t trying to be a jerk.

At first, i was taking care of it, and supplying most of her needs, this is my 1st time owning a cham. I didnt even mean to take it in. i am young, so money isnt so easy, especially with covid. I have more classes than a normal teenager has. i have school from 8 in the morning, till 5 pm. it is really hard to take care of it, but i try my best. when i found out he has mbd, i didnt want to sell him until i fixed that. some people wouldnt care about taking care of the mbd. they would just leave him to die. At least i took this chameleon in, and tried to help. i used most of my money trying to help the chameleon, and just cant afford a 50 dollar heat lamp and 200 dollar bet bill.
just saying. mbd can not be cured by vets, or by any special treatment. It will never be reversed, it can only be stopped. soooo if you spend money on vets to try to "fix" the mbd, it is simply a waste of money. id use any donations you get to get things like heat lights, food, calcium powder, y'know. Supplies.

edit: didnt see rest of thread sorry.
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theres like 8 ppl talking on this thread but only 3 donations! donate!

also @jamest0o0 you said "Doesn't seem right to make a go fund me for other people to fix your own mistakes."
the op didnt even make the gofundme it was made by someone else on the op's other thread the op didnt even ask for it the guy who made the gofundme was just being nice and trying to help
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What you're doing is respectable, and I respect that. Many people just say give the chameleon away, like that's going to resolve the issue. You're trying to help him get better, and provide a better quality of life.
It's not easy asking for money; I believe this is my first time seeing it here. I can't donate much, but hope it helps.
What you're doing is respectable, and I respect that. Many people just say give the chameleon away, like that's going to resolve the issue. You're trying to help him get better, and provide a better quality of life.
It's not easy asking for money; I believe this is my first time seeing it here. I can't donate much, but hope it helps.
Thank you, I don't know why people come on forums just to bring negativity. If you want to pick out a fight just go on reddit.
No one was picking a fight, we just didn’t know what the situation was and it was a little off putting without knowing the details.
Yeah, I didn't mind your comment, I get it. If I am an adult that is able to get a job and work for money I should instead of using GoFundMe. It's just that with me being under the age that you have to be to work, it's really hard for me to get money for her.
If you all would read op’s initial post, you would see that getting a chameleon was not exactly op’s intentional choice. His brother obtained it for free from Craig’s List and then was unable to care for it, so op stepped up. Yes, we do see all too often that people get chameleons without thought to proper care or expense. However, it appears op is just trying to care for the animal that has otherwise been not properly cared for and been passed along. While soliciting for financial assistance is questionable and I’m not sure where forum rules fit in here, I ask that you please stop roasting op. Instead perhaps offer some constructive advice on how he may raise some funds in his community to provide needed care for the chameleon. From his posts, I assume op is a young person, but regardless he’s just trying to help this poor cham so be nice please. Thank you.

No one is roasting him. Don't indirectly talk to me like this. If you have a problem reach out. Why would I be searching the forums to know the OPS background. I saw this thread and it looked like a begging. I stand by that. Knowing more, he seems like an alright person and I don't mean to give him a hard time.
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What you're doing is respectable, and I respect that. Many people just say give the chameleon away, like that's going to resolve the issue. You're trying to help him get better, and provide a better quality of life.
It's not easy asking for money; I believe this is my first time seeing it here. I can't donate much, but hope it helps.

Really? Giving the cham to someone that can afford and is willing, wouldn't help the animal? That has been the advice for soooooo many others on these forums. Saw it just the other day.
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There's like 2 active members here that have been on these forums longer than me. Yet everyone thinks they're a moderator now. You all know me, send me a PM and tell me the story. Id happily come back and correct myself then. Don't try to gang up about something I said on a thread that at face value(without knowing the rest) would look shady to anyone.
There's like 2 active members here that have been on these forums longer than me. Yet everyone thinks they're a moderator now. You all know me, send me a PM and tell me the story. Don't try to gang up about something I said on a thread that at face value(without knowing the rest) would look shady to anyone.
You mad James? That's 3 posts in a row. 🤣
Yes, and I want to stop It before it gets worse, it can get fatal if I don't start to treat it.
i would help if i could but im pretty broke myself haha. My chameleon cage needs more plants than its has but everything else is good, ill get there eventaully
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