HELP --- She won't dig!

Okay, so good news! She's not laid yet...but I just went to spray an she drank for 10 minutes! Then I offered her worms and she grabbed 4 From my hand! Is this good or bad?
good she drank, and even eating isnt good or bad.

Some chams dont stpo eating before they lay. mine didnt.
She stopped eating mid day yesterday.....I think there could possibly be an area where she has started digging! If anyone is still interested, I will keep you updated.
Thanks for all the time you have spent helping me, even if it was one post, I really appreciate it and I'm sorry for any frustration I've caused.

Ps. I have used all the advice given :)
Camimom, What is meant by black creeping up the sides???

"if a female shows signs of being egg bound, weakness, lethargy, black creeping up the sides, then that is something to worry about."
Thanks for replying, thought I was on my own!
The vet said she had been too cold so we added another canopy and are buying a new heat mat for in the night. What should the temperature be during the night? It is currently 15 but we are going to put a heat mat on at night in future.
My female just laid her first clutch last month and I was worried about her but I just covered her cage and left her alone for almost 2 weeks she wouldn't eat but 3 days after I got worried enough to post about it she dug her hole and laid 46 eggs!!! With no problems:)
I was just about to spray her laying bin when I noticed she wasn't at the top perching, she was sat on the floor! I just put the spray bottle down and left her alone. If she has gone to sit on the floor by her self, do you think she's gonna lay today? I'm so excited! I've not been in my bedroom since lunch when I sprayed and put in the new heat mat...I will check when she's asleep tonight !
Better than tv

Sorry I don't mean to sound insensitive but I found myself hanging by my fingernails just waiting to hear that your girl finally laid her eggs, I hope that she is doing well and sorry that I can't offer any advice i'm sort of new to this too.
Thanks for replying.
I am going to leave her for a whole day and check her tomorrow night since she was wandering round on the floor yesterday. Fingers crossed, I'm quite hopeful! I don't want her to have an operation (vet wants to give her a caesarean on Friday if she hasn't layed).
Thanks for replying.
I am going to leave her for a whole day and check her tomorrow night since she was wandering round on the floor yesterday. Fingers crossed, I'm quite hopeful! I don't want her to have an operation (vet wants to give her a caesarean on Friday if she hasn't layed).

Has she had an injection of Oxytocin?
I think that is what vets often try before a caesarean......
No she hasn't had the injection....
Do you think that will be best?
She's going to the vets on Thursday for another xray and a chat.
Thanks for replying!
oh okay,
We rang the vet last night just to confirm and she said it depends what the xray shows and whether there is a blockage/obstruction.
I hope she lays soon! So sorry this is so stressful for you, just know that you are an awesome parent for doing the right things and taking care of her during this stressful time!
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