Help please, his poop looks really weird


New Member
Joe has a parasite from Madagascar and is going to be operated next week. He’s also taking some liver medicine. Today his poop looked like this....
Parasite is called foleyella furcata, he has it all over his body and blood and they are operating him to remove the bigger worms, after this (if he survives) we will need to give him medicine to kill off the rest of the worms slowly.
So this is a fillarial worm, that is common in Malagasy species. As I understand it, surgery to remove the big ones can help, but medicating is more difficult. Panacur doesn’t work on subcu fillarials. As far as I know, vets are using invermectin for these. But @ferretinmyshoes will know way better than me! The problem is that invermectin is hard on metronidazole squared. I think it’s important to consult as many professionals as you can with this ailment, because invermectin is a risk, as I understand it. I am not a vet, scientist, or anything but an avid hobbyist, so please don’t take my word as gospel. Please ask your vet what the long term prognosis is given an integrated approach of surgery, anti-parasitic meds, and tlc.
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