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So my Panther Cham has had a respiratory infection for like 3 weeks now. First vet gave him oral meds for 10 days and it didn’t work at all so took him elsewhere and got injection antibiotics (2x a week for 6 weeks) he’s only had 2 so far so still sick but it’s mild I was told yet he’s still barely eating, just some wax worms now and then maybe some crickets when I’m not watching. Anyways today after I gave him his injection I notice on the floor what I thought was a tiny nail but pretty positive it was the very tip of his tail. It was hard and brittle it broke in half when I picked it up. It was about 1” long. The rest of his tail looks completely fine. But does look like the tip broke off it doesn’t come to a sharp tip now. Could this be due to the infection and just keep an eye on it?