hand feeding


New Member
my 5 month old panther, seems to like/be comfortable with me, he walks onto my hand and never hisses/puffs up at me. i just cannot get him to hand feed. hes eaten out of my hand twice, yesterday and a couple weeks ago. are there any methods or any tips on getting him to hand feed when i try?
My male panther wont eat anything out of my hand except hornworms and silkworms. You can try these to entice him. Silkies are a good staple and horns can be treats.
yea i know. thats what ive been trying to hand feed him. the slikworms, like how long should it take. like from when he notices the food to the time he eats it. because when he has eaten its taken like 3 minutes and my arms completley dead from holding the damn worm up so long haha.
Hahahah I hate when that happens. Uh I really dont know how long it will take it just depends. As soon as I hold up a hornworm my guy goes right for it but the other feeders he takes his time. My female has no prob eating what ever at the second I stick it in the cage she is a pig. One thing is to put the feeder out in front of your face so he can watch you and the feeder. If it is off to the side and he is kinda skittish he will be watching you instead of the feeder. Summoner said to keep one eye closed. This didnt work for me but it is worth a try. Sometimes I will sorta twist the worm in my fingers so it looks like it is wiggling more this does help.
Hornworms are great for hydrating just dont overdo it they also have high fat content. makesrue you ask for the smallest ones. These guys can grow to 4 inches in a matter of 2 weeks which is way to big for my 1 year male. If you grow them to desired size and then put them in the coolest room they wopnt grow as fast.
I can't get my cham to eat anything out of my hand. The 1st day I got him, he ate 2 crickets out of my hand and since then, he just doesn't seem interested. I also tried the cup feeding and he really doesn't like that....he likes the hun. At 1st he was a little skiddish and shy to eat, but now he prowls for them and in the last couple weeks he has been eating about double from what he was before....from 6-8 in a setting to 12-15
mine eats anything. what i did was grab the cricket by his hind leg and let him on my finger and put the cricket neat a branch and the criket will move to grab the branch and the cham will notice him and eat it.
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