Chameleon Enthusiast
Yesterday we had a snow/ice storm all day and into the night! It tore down power lines and tree limbs and the temp in my apartment plummeted to 59 degrees F! Last year I luckily invested in a box of hand warmers that you shake and they get hot. I had Eustis n his cage all night but then today I put him in a small box with a branch poked through it. I activated one of those hand warmers and put it under the box. I kept a close eye to make sure he didn’t get too hot. We got power back about an hour ago and alls well that ends well!
The only thing I lost was my silk worms and everything in my fridge and freezer. I think my dubia colony is still alive. I’m going to check them tonight when I feed them.

The only thing I lost was my silk worms and everything in my fridge and freezer. I think my dubia colony is still alive. I’m going to check them tonight when I feed them.