gravid again?



this is daisyduke. she has laid her first clutch 2 weeks ago but still has some nice colors. i know they sometimes have a second clutch right away, so what do you think, gravid again? also check out those nails, anyone trim those ever or should they be ok?
As a rule you shouldn't trim nails. I did have a Fischer male that had nails that grew so long , they would curl and at its worse , he would be walking on his wrists. I did trim his nails as an exception.
You said..."she has laid her first clutch 2 weeks ago but still has some nice colors. i know they sometimes have a second clutch right away, so what do you think, gravid again?"...was she mated? If so, when? Was this first clutch fertile or infertile or what mixture of fertile and infertile?
Its very likely that she could produce another clutch within the next couple of weeks since the first clutch had more infertile than fertile eggs.

BTW...some females of some species of chameleons have been reported to grow their nails longer when they are needed to dig. I don't think its been proven yet...but it makes sense to me.
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