Fruit flies


New Member
How do u get rid of this flies. I notice they were in my cricket cage so i had to leave them outside for now? What should i do to get rid of these little flies? Thanks
Are you sure they are fruit flies?
Is there anything rotting that would attract fruit flies? They like yeast and rotting fruit and such. A good clean up will help resolve a fruit fly issue. You can also put out a glass with a small amount of wine (or cider vinegar) and a drop of liquid dish soap- they are attracted to the wine, and the disk soap breaks the surface tension so they drown.

Do you have live plants with damp soil? Maybe you have fungus gnats, which often are mistaken for fruit flies. dry our the soil, cover with a few inches of rocks or even plastic wrap. Or buy some beneficial nematodes that will feed on the gnat larva.

If the flies tend to run across a surface in a jerky manner when disturbed rather than instantly flying, they might be phorid flies. Again, a good clean up will help
ditto sandra chameleon, fruit , veggies, and damp soil, also sometimes attract little black gnats that resemble ffs, one way would be to simply set your cricks up in a new container and be more selective about what and how much you put in it, cricks will die if they get cold for very long
I just bought a new container for my crickets like 2 weeks away. And i did a clean up extra extra good we'll see during this week how it goes. Thanks
What I do is leave a bottle of wine (of course, drink it all first), near by and put about a 1/2 inch of vinegar in the bottom, or leave 1/2 inch of wine. The wine works better than the vinegar, but if you aren't a wine drinker, apple cider vinegar usually does the trick.

They will get trapped in there and drown.
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