Friend with female Veiled with swollen feet and sores


New Member
My friend has a 2 year old female veiled chameleon. In the last few weeks it has developed these swollen feet with red sores on them. She has taken her to the vet and is currently on a myriad of meds, metacam, baytril, calcium, eye drops, methimazole, and sunshine factor. Also of note is from x-rays taken she has a clutch of eggs. If you need any other info I'll forward it along as I can. Also attached are 3 photos of the feet to show the problem.


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someone told me of a type of foot fungus that they can get if it is to wet.....i dont know though......try to google it...
Please fill out the how to ask for help form in the sticky in the health clinic section.
If the swollen areas are infected and the "pus" isn't removed I doubt that the problem will be solved. Infected areas can wall themselves off so the antibiotics do no good.
Looks like she's lost some of her claws. The damaged nail bed can get infected causing swollen toes. Sometimes they will grow a new claw, but not all that often. But there is also that sore. Cham footpads are pretty soft and they do get injured by sharp hardware cloth. They can also get infections from old unshed skin patches or dirty branches that stay wet most of the time...bacteria and molds develop and the cham picks them up on the skin.

Your friend's cham will need a topical antibiotic such as Polysporin that you can get OTC at most grocery or drug stores. But, there's a lot going on here and she'll probably also need a systemic antibiotic from a vet because the infections have spread beyond the skin.

Take all the perches out of the cage and scrub them with a 10:1 water to bleach solution. Rinse very well and dry before replacing them. Check the cage screen...she probably lost her claws by snagging them in the screen. Now that she has only a few claws left it will be harder for her to climb well so make sure the cage is really full of live plants so she can move around and not fall.
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