flightless fruit flies


Friendly Grasshopper
so i got a culture of fruit flies from marty at mistking and they have multiplied like crazy!! i dont know if it makes any sence but if there is anyone who wants some either to feed or use to start your own culture, you can have em.. i have no clue about shipping them and dont think they are really worth a whole lot to make driving worth it but i hate to just waste them.

I have had fruit flys in my coffee. True I dump the coffee but you might give it a try.:D:D You would not be wasting them - look at all that protein.:eek:

so i got a culture of fruit flies from marty at mistking and they have multiplied like crazy!! i dont know if it makes any sence but if there is anyone who wants some either to feed or use to start your own culture, you can have em.. i have no clue about shipping them and dont think they are really worth a whole lot to make driving worth it but i hate to just waste them.

ya not thinking so laurie lol, ive gone as far as tasing the supplements but thats where it stops, by the way mineral berry flavor doenst taste like berries....

Keep your eye out for mantis egg cases in the garden section - those hatchlings will need fruit flies. ;)
(mantises are the next best things to chameleons :D)
Keep your eye out for mantis egg cases in the garden section - those hatchlings will need fruit flies. ;)
(mantises are the next best things to chameleons :D)

you mean like praying mantis's? you get them at the garden section? where?
my little panther likes them, they r more just something for him to chase and hunt. too small to be good feeders, even for him..
yes, praying mantises. :)

I don't think it's the season yet, actually, just saying what I usually fed fruitflies to. :) It's usually later in the spring before you see them for sale - it always seems to take FOREVER when I'm all anxious & looking forward to it. I've gotten mine the last two years at a big plant greenhouse place in Leamington called Colasanti's, but I think I remember hearing that Cosco sells them? and last time I was at Lowe's or Home Depot, I noticed they had a little fridge in their garden section, for when the season comes around, they sell "beneficial insects" (bugs that will eat your other bad bugs, like for lawns, gardens, etc.) So they sell praying mantis egg cases like that too. It'll say like anywhere from 30 to 300 babies per case, I think I averaged somewhere in the middle of that the first year, last year I don't know, because it kind of got forgotten about in a tank in the garage, we kept thinking it hadn't hatched at a quick glance, when I finally checked closer to move & spritz it, I realized it HAD hatched after all, and a spider I didn't know about was living in the tank and had feasted on them all. :(
I will be getting more this year, but I still don't think I'll be able to feed them to the chams. I just love them way too much. They're so awesome. :D
I don't think it's the season yet, actually, just saying what I usually fed fruitflies to. :) It's usually later in the spring before you see them for sale - it always seems to take FOREVER when I'm all anxious & looking forward to it. I've gotten mine the last two years at a big plant greenhouse place in Leamington called Colasanti's, but I think I remember hearing that Cosco sells them? and last time I was at Lowe's or Home Depot, I noticed they had a little fridge in their garden section, for when the season comes around, they sell "beneficial insects" (bugs that will eat your other bad bugs, like for lawns, gardens, etc.) So they sell praying mantis egg cases like that too. It'll say like anywhere from 30 to 300 babies per case, I think I averaged somewhere in the middle of that the first year, last year I don't know, because it kind of got forgotten about in a tank in the garage, we kept thinking it hadn't hatched at a quick glance, when I finally checked closer to move & spritz it, I realized it HAD hatched after all, and a spider I didn't know about was living in the tank and had feasted on them all. :(
I will be getting more this year, but I still don't think I'll be able to feed them to the chams. I just love them way too much. They're so awesome. :D

ha kool ill have to keep my eyes out for them, soundz kinda neat and then i can set them all free or feed em to my chams maybe
so i got a culture of fruit flies from marty at mistking and they have multiplied like crazy!! i dont know if it makes any sence but if there is anyone who wants some either to feed or use to start your own culture, you can have em.. i have no clue about shipping them and dont think they are really worth a whole lot to make driving worth it but i hate to just waste them.



I live outside Listowel and seriously if you would like to share some of your flies I would appreciate it. I am having trouble finding the wingless fruit flies here in Canada and I have about 6 baby lizards ready to hatch in the next two weeks.

Thanks - if you are interested I can send you my mailing address.


I live outside Listowel and seriously if you would like to share some of your flies I would appreciate it. I am having trouble finding the wingless fruit flies here in Canada and I have about 6 baby lizards ready to hatch in the next two weeks.

Thanks - if you are interested I can send you my mailing address.


Trish, Hoj had these back in March, but he should be able to hook you up with getting them. What do you have hatching?
Trish, Hoj had these back in March, but he should be able to hook you up with getting them. What do you have hatching?

Hi Laurie

Leopard Geckos. The female has been dropping eggs every three week and started about 6 to 8 weeks ago. I have been hunting for flies since then, as we have only two pet shops in the area and they carry very little supplies of any type...small community in rural area.

Thanks, Trish
There are several other small feeders you can get. Hoj will be back on the forum on Thursday, I will text him and see what he knows.
Thanks Laurie,

I appreciate all your help. I just found out today when I went in to get crickets for the big guys, our local pet shop, which is a few miles away, is going to be closing soon as well, which leaves the nearest pet shop about an hour and 15 away.

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