"Flash" - weekly photo update

Wow!! He is turning out GREAT!! I love his baring and colors!

How old is he now?

His hatch date was either July 3rd or 4th..........so he is a "firecracker". So he's a little over 5 months old.........and he was the alpha-male of the clutch. He puts on a pretty good show, but it's all a bluff...........lol
Are is sleeping colors yellow?

It's been impossible for me to get any "true" sleeping color pictures. He's a light sleeper and I haven't been able to sneak up on him.........yet. He shows mostly green and an orangish color when he sleeps. I can't take even one picture without him having open eyes.........I've tried several times though.
It's been impossible for me to get any "true" sleeping color pictures. He's a light sleeper and I haven't been able to sneak up on him.........yet. He shows mostly green and an orangish color when he sleeps. I can't take even one picture without him having open eyes.........I've tried several times though.

lmaoo. I can take the branch with with both of my Chams sleeping on it out of their cages and walk around the house and they would still be sleeping. The new Ambanja seems to be a light sleeper. But he was the last to wake this morning. I came to feed them at around 9am and he was still asleep. Kamo and Chance were waiting at their feeding bowls.
Lol, he is a little badass now...........nice new pics :)
dude check it out haha
a dash of color here and there, pretty soon hes gonna be exploding with color
im excited for ya, i just got my baby ambanja two weeks ago so im on this happy baby craze ;)
Great pictures. He looks awesome with his colors coming through!!! It has been such a pleasure to look back fallow this thread to watch him grow and change!!!
Time for a few more pics........I was playing with the camera today and was pretty pleased with the results. It's just not easy to get decent looking shots with indoor lights and a flash.........BUT.........I'm improving......I think. :p

Lets start with the "tail end"...........first for a change and work our way forward.



Now lets move forward...........a bit.




And............a few head shots.




That's all for today............folks. I hope I'm not boring ya'll to death with the pictures, but I can't seem to help myself.........I'm a proud Daddy. :D
I love his wide ,solid bars!! very defined!

Do you ever handle him at all?

I find it's soo easy to take good pix with a solid white background. I use my bathroom door. It also helps that the lighting in my bathroom is greattt!:rolleyes:
Wow!!!! He just keeps getting more and more stunning!!! I love going to the first picture of this thread and scrolling though the pictures as you update them... Just amazing!!!!
Lol, if anyone gets bored looking at your pics I think they must be on the wrong website..........he's just getting better and better :D
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