Female Panther Nesting Issues

So my panther recently changed her colors, got blumped up and now is seen walking aimlessly around the cage, occasionally on the bottom. I put a bucket filled with good digging soil as her nest box but she ignores it. Does her walking around means she wants to lay immediately or could it take a couple days before the actually digging process begins......or do I need to isolate her from her cage with the nesting bucket
Mine wandered around for awhile, and dug a couple of test holes first, and sat on a low branch for days and days just scoping out the situation. I would't be worried. I agree to cover the cage for privacy
Still no luck but I havent even risked looking in her cage today... She is only about 6-7 months. She seemed kinda young to have infertile eggs already. It came to me as a surprise
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