Fast food!


New Member
Too funny not to share. I've had my little guy about 2 months and he's just starting to be comfortable enough with me that he will let me watch him when he eats, instead of hiding the the plant in the corner whenever I even glance at his cage

Here's the pictures. 'Woah, where'd you come from? I'm trying to eat here' 'Ok I guess I'll go hide over here' 'one for the road' ' hey lady, scram you're ruining my meal' IMG_4848.JPG IMG_4851.JPG IMG_4854.JPG IMG_4855.JPG IMG_4856.JPG
"Allow me to spit in this super size cup,wait....the cricket hater is coming...
Are u looking for food like bee for honey?
Whatever u did just dont poop on me,I'm just a pretty veiled n so keep it real before I catch u for my meal....."
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