Eye Issue


New Member
Autum has had her eye closed off and on for a few days now. My wife and daughter have been putting neomycin and terramycin on it.... it hasn't gotten any worse, but she really bulges this thing out and I caught her doing it this time, i feared it would pop it was out so far... after taking the pics i went in to get the meds to tell you what they were and her eye is looking like normal, open and reg sized... this is bugging me..... any ideas?


Wow! I wish I had some information for you, but all I can offer is sympathy and hope that it isn't something serious. I know someone will come up with something for you. She is such a cutie.
If neomycin is not specifically for eyes do not use it for eyes. Terramycin is exactly what you want to use. Any redness or discharge? This may need a Vet visit.
If it only happens every once in a while, and it is not always bulging like that, then I would think that maybe she has some debris or something in it. You could always try flushing it out and see if that helps!
yeah.., from the pic and what youve said it looks as though shes trying to flush out some kind of debry..i would up the misting sessions with warm water..possibly a shower..might just need to flush whatever it is out.. hope she gets better.
Thanks, and yes like i said its not all the time and just after these she looked fine...shes been bulging it out for a few days now... about to begin building her a new larger pad here real soon, perhaps with a Asian theme... bamboo and stuff. hahha and a great wall..... sorry ADD kicked in for a second....
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