Eye Blister?


New Member
I recently got this female Panther Chameleon from the local pet store. They said she was surrendered from the previous owner, and they nursed her back to health. She had this blister like thing on her eye and they said it was due to dehydration and that it should go away with adequate misting's and such. It's been over 2 weeks now and it hasn't gone away. I have an automatic mister that goes off at 8am and 12pm (for about 5 mins each) and then several times through the night along with a fogger. Before taking her to the vet, I wanted to get some opinions on if it's just maybe a stuck shed in the eye or something worse? Other thank the eye issue, she is doing great. She has gone from 54 grams to 60 grams in the 2 weeks Ive had her but the eye issue is definitely causing her trouble with feeding as she can't get her depth perception locked in. Any advice? maybe the Shower chamber?


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Possibly supplement issues, see if you can find out what supplements they were using and schedule along with your supplements and schedule. I like this combination of Reptical without D3 every feeding and RepashyLoD twice a month.


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I recently got this female Panther Chameleon from the local pet store. They said she was surrendered from the previous owner, and they nursed her back to health. She had this blister like thing on her eye and they said it was due to dehydration and that it should go away with adequate misting's and such. It's been over 2 weeks now and it hasn't gone away. I have an automatic mister that goes off at 8am and 12pm (for about 5 mins each) and then several times through the night along with a fogger. Before taking her to the vet, I wanted to get some opinions on if it's just maybe a stuck shed in the eye or something worse? Other thank the eye issue, she is doing great. She has gone from 54 grams to 60 grams in the 2 weeks Ive had her but the eye issue is definitely causing her trouble with feeding as she can't get her depth perception locked in. Any advice? maybe the Shower chamber?
Hi and welcome :) I don't think that is a dehydration problem. Like @SteveH said, it could be a supplement
problem. Please use the advise @SteveH gave you. And post some photos of the enclosure top to bottom, including the lights.

do you know anything else to help this pretty lady?
And fyi they were incorrect this would have nothing to do with hydration or lack of misting properly.
They didn't know the supplement schedule but I did learn the previous owner apparently surrendered two chameleons that day and the other one is still being treated for mouth rot. So this tells me supplementing (or lack thereof) is an issue. My female is currently on the same schedule/supplements as my male. The main feeders are dubia roaches, super worms, and crickets, treats they get black soldier flies to hunt, and horn worms and silkworms. I use EarthProA for daily dusting and Reptivite on the 1st and 15th of the month. All bugs get fed fresh carrots and Repashy Superload before being sacrificed.

Here is a picture of the cage setup. This is what's on both cages.
I have an automatic misting system and fogger
14w full spectrum light bar
24w ReptiZoo T5 HO UVB, 5.0UVB
a Zilla minidome heat lamp


  • unnamed (3).jpg
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Honestly I would get her into a vet. She does have something going on with her lip line as well. Could be mouth rot. Which additionally could point to an infection causing the eye issues.

They could have just had bad husbandry and this is what led to overall health deterioration.
You may have to travel some but I'd call around looking for a exotics vet, ask specifically if they work with chameleons. Seeing your enclosure photo I'd put a divider between the two so they can't see each other. Corrugated plastic, shower curtain or even a black trash bag will work.
Honestly I would get her into a vet. She does have something going on with her lip line as well. Could be mouth rot. Which additionally could point to an infection causing the eye issues.

They could have just had bad husbandry and this is what led to overall health deterioration.
I agree 👍
You may have to travel some but I'd call around looking for a exotics vet, ask specifically if they work with chameleons. Seeing your enclosure photo I'd put a divider between the two so they can't see each other. Corrugated plastic, shower curtain or even a black trash bag will work.
Yes, there is a black cloth divider between them. a little light gets through but the male cant really make out the female.
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