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Probably will combine their cages. They aren’t bothered by each other, I’ve got pictures of them side by side.

Chameleons are really good at hiding the stress of sharing a cage...much of the time it will show as an illness.

The basilisk might be happier with wider branches as well.
The chameleon would be good with ones that are not too thick as well as a couple that are wider.

What is dividing the two halves of the cage?

I had a basilisk a long time ago...but a different kind than yours.
I started keeping chameleons over 30 years ago. All I want to do is help you with your animals because you seem to love them.

We still need to work on the eyes.
What is the UVB light you're using?
Does the chameleon ever get outside?
It’s a zoo med I think and he has a daylight bulb, and yes but not often I took him out of pray which seems like I’d helping his eyes stay open. Which is good. The basilisk and Jim are fine the basilisk used to escape his cage before I let him.. and he loved oscars cage if I see signs of anger than I will take charge, but for now it seems okay.
II'd his eyes re better when he's out of the cage then it might be the light that's part of the problem.

I keep asking about your material that's dividing the cages...is it under the light ...between the light and the basilisk? Is it glass?
It’s a zoo med I think and he has a daylight bulb, and yes but not often I took him out of pray which seems like I’d helping his eyes stay open. Which is good. The basilisk and Jim are fine the basilisk used to escape his cage before I let him.. and he loved oscars cage if I see signs of anger than I will take charge, but for now it seems okay.
It's not only one animal showing aggression towards another, it can be its presence that causes stress.
Okay what do you recommend for a diet? I only value your opinion here.

My male doesn’t have a tongue, so he only eats about 4 or 5 roaches(10 cricket sized meals) he barely keeps his weight with this. He is 114g to 119g

my female, half the size, gets a little less.
She stays right at 86g 88g

So we can look at these as an idea of normal feeding amounts.

I was over feeding early on. When I put my female on a diet, she got about 1 cricket sized meal every 3 days. This worked and she never showed signs of stress, nor did plant munching increase.

That is the experience I can share
II'd his eyes re better when he's out of the cage then it might be the light that's part of the problem.

I keep asking about your material that's dividing the cages...is it under the light ...between the light and the basilisk? Is it glass?
Hmm not sure but it came with the cage it’s kinda like the material of the whole cage
Under the red bin there is something that is not bars and it blocks most of the light for the basilisk a cage too. What is that material?
BTW I hope your chameleon can't get to the lights for the basilisk and burn its feet. How do you keep the basilisk a lights from getting wet when you water the chameleons cage?
Each have own lights, Oscar doesn’t really go to the burning part I hope. He’s going fine I put him in his plant by the dripper so he can get water.
I am so very late to this thread.. I have skimmed and are you actually keeping a "Jesus Christ" lizard in the same enclosure as a Chameleon? a veiled? and feeding grapes uh.. I'm just like this... are you a troll? seriously?
Dude...... a Basilik needs a total and completely different housing situation than a Chameleon. I just can't right now. Are you legit mad?
Cause I am.

Someone needs to yeet your ass into a Tiger cage for a day and see how well you fare. Grapes only for you....
Yeah sorry mods.. not sorry ?‍♀️
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I asked you..."Under the red bin there is something that is not bars and it blocks most of the light for the basilisk a cage too. What is that material?"....I've tried several times to get you to answer this question and I still don't have a proper answer. I can't help you if you don't answer the questions.

I said..."BTW I hope your chameleon can't get to the lights for the basilisk and burn its feet. How do you keep the basilisk a lights from getting wet when you water the chameleons cage?"... When you mist the cage how do you ensure that the lower lights (that I know are for the basilisk) don't get wet and may short circuit? I know you said Oscar doesn't go there....but he could... and if he burns his feet you may have to put him down. It should be made so he absolutely can not touch the light.

These two NEED separate cages. Keeping the basilisk in the bottom like that is very confining for it and whatever bacteria are built up in the chameleon's part of the cage can flow/drop down into the basilisk's half. The lights for the basilisk are making the cage for the chameleon warmer than it should be in the lower part. I don't know how you can provide either with proper water. If the insects are free ranged and they go from one half to the other they can transfer bacteria too.

I told you about proper supplementing nod feeding and numerous other things.

I'm telling/told you all of this with the hope the you want what is best for these lizards and that you love them enough to do what is best for them.

I've kept basilisk's and chameleons for many years well as many other reptiles...and I speak from experience and because I care about these creatures. I hope you do too....enough to make sure they have the best care possible.
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hey man so ive been reading this thread and you’re not listening to ANYTHING anyone has been telling you nor have you been answering questions, it seems like you just want to be snarky when these people are trying to help you and your lil dude. he is very overweight and his eye doesnt look good, if it was an emergency you would have gotten him to a vet , but you got his tail stuck in the cage door and didnt do anything about it really. you really should consider going to a vet, but im unsure if they would even be able to open your eyes to the poor care going on here
I know I haven't been involved with this chain for long but I would like to jump in and say, would you ever consider giving your cham to a rescue place or maybe find a more (suitable) owner? Everyone has being trying to help you and all though there was so brief name calling, we all want the best for Oscar. I know this can be hard to hear (please don't take any offense to this), but after all I've seen, it is clear that Oscar's care is far from what he needs to be a happy and healthy cham, and that shows through his current health situation. Honestly there is probably someone on this site who would be able to rescue poor Oscar, even if its temporary until you can figure everything out. I would never mean to offend you and if you are willing to improve we are all here to support you, but after everything I have seen, it seems that you aren't improving/aren't willing to improve ? If its the vet bills that are stopping you from getting Oscar the help he needs, I suggest you set up a Venmo or a Paypal, we are all here to help and want to make sure that Oscar gets the best care possible ?
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