daytime sleeping


New Member
I feel so defeated.. So ivy got a respiratory infection before i got her. once i noticed it i took her to the doctor which the closest one for me is over an hour out but whatever.. i’ve been giving her doses every 72 hours and she HATES me for it. But she seemed to be getting better her eye is fully better and everything but then the past couple days i’ve noticed she has been going to bed earlier and earlier and now when i got home at five she was in the corner where she sleeps with her eyes closed and i just don’t know what to do. She’s already stressed because i’ve been having to inject her with drugs and her tongue seems weaker now like it is taking her more effort to eat she has been closer to her bowl that’s she was before and her tongue seems slower and i just feel like taking her to the vet again is just going to stress her out even more. I’m for a loss here


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I have to wonder if perhaps the antibiotic is affecting her kidneys or other organ in some way. A vet visit and having labs drawn is the ideal action. Second best is calling the vet and asking if the antibiotic could affect organs, how many doses she’s had and what her current respiratory status seems to be - does she need to continue the antibiotic if it’s suspected as a problem? What do they advise? In the meantime, offer hornworms and silkworms to provide a little extra hydration. Looking back quickly at when I reviewed your husbandry, I had asked about what type of uvb you have and maybe I’m missing it, I don’t see an answer. Is it a screw in bulb or a long tube? If a long tube, is it a T5 or T8 and what is the strength of the bulb?
it’s a tube not a compact i knew those were bad and i think it’s a T8 and do you mean strengths of the heat bulb?
Have you ever had bronchitis, pneumonia, or even A bad cold flu? Well you are tired and weak and sleep more. She may feel this way. Plus the meds can cause all kind of changes in recovery. Also it’s hard to tell how bad the RI was too. I am with Miss Skittles on giving the vet a call to make sure it’s not adverse reaction to the med Just don’t panick it may take time to recover. She is a sick little one. The dehydration can be a factor and I just advised another member to try dripping water with a syringe over her nose d st o it drips Onto her mouth. If she opens her mouth to catch the water contour doing that till she stops. Once she stops if her eyes bulge out a bit more than they did you know she is having trouble drinking her water. And I would repeat it once a day. When my veiled had a RI, he would only eat hornworms! He did that till he was completely better. So I know the meds dehydrate them and the water helps flush it out of the kidneys.
How old is she? Can you post a couple more recent photos of her please.
i’m not sure how old she is maybe like 6 months


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also maybe it’s not as bad as i thought? i stayed home from work today and notice that she gets up before the lights actually cut on so could she just be compensating for the time she’s been up? the room she’s in the lights do come in from the windows so i think she’s getting up when the sun rises not when the lights cut on.. i didn’t think that the lights came in enough to where that would happen. do you guys think that’s why she’s been going to sleep earlier? But that still doesn’t explain her tongue not shooting as far and her taking longer to eat. she still has an appetite it seems
Take pictures of your UVB and the top of your cage... If you are using a T8 these are not strong enough unless the cham can get within inches of it. Also there are T8 fixtures are the market that have a plastic piece over the bulb which blocks all UVB so these are not recommended at all with the plastic piece. The UVB recommended over all others is a T5HO fixture and either a 5.0 or 6% uvb bulb.
Take pictures of your UVB and the top of your cage... If you are using a T8 these are not strong enough unless the cham can get within inches of it. Also there are T8 fixtures are the market that have a plastic piece over the bulb which blocks all UVB so these are not recommended at all with the plastic piece. The UVB recommended over all others is a T5HO fixture and either a 5.0 or 6% uvb bulb.


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That is not a T8 fixture from what I can see. Do you have the link of where you purchased it? What other writing was on the glass end of the bulb. If it only says 24 watt then I am willing to bet you bought a T5HO fixture that comes with a daylight bulb which produces no UVB at all. All UVB bulbs have writing on the end of the tube on the glass. It will say reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 or Arcadia 6% or 12% if you have a UVB bulb in it.
That is not a T8 fixture from what I can see. Do you have the link of where you purchased it? What other writing was on the glass end of the bulb. If it only says 24 watt then I am willing to bet you bought a T5HO fixture that comes with a daylight bulb which produces no UVB at all. All UVB bulbs have writing on the end of the tube on the glass. It will say reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 or Arcadia 6% or 12% if you have a UVB bulb in it.
it says T5 24W
it says T5 24W
Ok so nothing else but that is written on the bulb? If this is the case then it is as I expected and you bought the fixture that comes with the standard daylight bulb (daylight bulbs are plant bulbs). This is not a UVB bulb. So the chameleon is not getting the UVB it needs. you need to buy a bulb to replace what is in it. So you would buy either a 22inch reptisun 5.0 UVB bulb or you would buy a 22inch arcadia 6% UVB bulb for it. Most pet stores carry the reptisun. Both of these options would be the T5HO bulbs.

But you need to get this asap like today, as her system is over stressed and shutting down. She is not getting what she needs for UVB to stimulate diurnal function or even her appetite much less help her immune system and then on top of it she is being given shots for an RI that her system is trying to fight.
Thanks for posting the photos! I wanted to see them for several reasons…to determine if there were any signs of MBD, to see if she might be gravid with a huge clutch, how fat or thin she was, etc.

@MissSkittles covered many of the important things we deal with when we have a female veiled…lighting, diet, supplements, etc. I hope you listened to it all.

You said…”her tongue seems weaker now like it is taking her more effort to eat she has been closer to her bowl that’s she was before and her tongue seems slower”…tongue issues can come from injuries, infections, improper supplementation, improper light, especially UVB. Hopefully you made the corrections to any of those things as suggested by @MissSkittles in this post…

Have you provided a proper egg laying bin in her cage yet? (I’m not mentioning this because I think it has anything to do with her condition…but because it’s important that it be provided to help prevent egg binding.)

Hopefully, a solution can be reached by correcting the things that have been mentioned in your previous posts and you will have her for many more years. Post and ask as many uestions as you need answered…we’re here to help.
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