Egg pipped but no baby yet....

Thanks. We are all pretty bummed about it. I knew it was a possibility that some would die I just didn't know how disappointing it would be when it happened :( He looked healthy too, I don't know what went wrong.
No more hatchlings as of right now, one looks to have a star on the end of the egg but hasn't pipped or anything. They look good, white big and you can definitely see at least 10 that looks to have babies in them.

Our one little baby is doing great. Eating a lot and drinking, pretty active and friendly. We only hold him when we have to, I don't want to stress him out but he is so easy to pick up and put down! I am amazed how well he tolerates being handled. lol We just hold out a finger underneath one of his vines and he just walks right out to us :)

Just wish the rest would hatch, I have soooo many fruit flies ready lol

Finally a second healthy baby :) Well....seems healthy, we'll see :)
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