Dry Iguana Food as Gutload

spencer k

New Member
someone gave me a bag of dry iguana food, and i refuse to use it on my iguanas so i tried giving it to the crickets and they love it. do you think it would be a good gutload as well as greens?
Ig Food............

I have two adult iguanas and have dry iguana food. I don't feed my crickets that because it has lots of calcium in it. I think that it would mess up the dusting schedule for the more traditional powdered calcium supplements I use. If you have calcium supplements in the food you feed the crickets you would have to revise your dusting of the crickets you feed to the chams. Giving crickets indirect calcium through collard greens, etc. is different than gutloading them with direct calcium like the type in iguana foods. If you are going to gutload your feeders with things that are not usually used for chameleons you should spend the time reading the ingredients in it and figure out how it will effect the balance of things in your chams diet. I don't want to work that hard.
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